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Hello Readers! I love how there are still fans of this couple! Thank you everyone for giving this story a chance.

FYI, mature content in this chapter so viewer discretion advised.


Khushi was sketching furiously on a sheet of paper. The dress was fiery red, like her seething temper at the moment. It was a few hours after her encounter with Yash and she was still pissed at him. How can he be so selfish? Can't he understand that she was doing this for her family? And how dare he say that she will never be happy and will come back to him. Was he right? Was her marriage with Arnav doomed to fail?

No. She made this decision and by God she will follow through with it. She will not let this marriage fail. So what if she can't get love out of it? Arnav was a good man and he will be a good companion to her.

With new determination she finished her sketch and decided to close the boutique early. She carefully placed her new sketches in the top drawer of her desk, gathered her belongings, and walked out of her office.

"Akansha, I've decided to close early today. I'm heading out, so lock up within the next half hour and go home." Khushi said, as she walked towards the main entrance.

"Ok. Have a good day." Akansha replied, and went back to helping the customer on the cash register.


When Khushi entered her and Arnav's mansion, the place was extremely quiet. The sun had already set so it was really dark inside as well.

'Where is everybody?' Khushi thought. Part of her was a little glad no one was home. She was still upset at her encounter with Yash, but most of all...she was hurting. It hurt to see him again, knowing that she can't be with him. Letting Yash go was one of the hardest decisions she had to make. She truly believed that he was her soul mate. But fate seemed to have other plans for her. Maybe she was just unlucky? She wasn't meant to find love in this lifetime.

Khushi needed some time to herself to control her feelings, so coming home to an empty house was perfect timing.

She made her way to her bedroom when she noticed the light from Ahaana's bedroom. 'Not home alone after all' Khushi thought with a sigh, and made her way over to the nursery.

Before entering, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming her emotions. Once she felt more in control, she opened the door to Arnav placing a sleeping Ahaana in her crib. Arnav turned to see Khushi enter and placed his index finger to his lips, indicating Khushi to be quiet.

Khushi smiled, finding the gesture kind of cute. She quietly made her way in and stood next to Arnav, joining him in watching Ahaana sleep.

A few moments passed by without any words. Both parents just lovingly gazed down at the baby girl. She truly was a bundle of joy.

Khushi was the one to break the silence. "Did she have any trouble falling asleep?" Khushi whispered, careful not to wake Ahaana.

"Yea...she was being a little fussy, but she eventually calmed down. How come you're back so early?" Arnav asked.

"I...umm...well...I..I just felt like coming home. No particular reason." Khushi replied. Absent mindedly, Khushi reached for her earrings and slipped them off one ear, rubbing the ear lobe. She did the same for her other ear, all the while looking down at Ahaana. Arnav felt his throat tighten a little...just a little. There was sensual about that movement. When Arnav continued to stare at Khushi, he noticed her face was tense and his eyebrows drew together in curiosity.

Zaroorat - Arshi FFWhere stories live. Discover now