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The next morning, Khushi woke up with her phone buzzing. Khushi flipped it over to see it was a text from Anjali.

'Morning Appi. Just wanted to let you know that I took official leave from work for the wedding. We can take care of any last minute details and I was also hoping that you get to meet Shyam.' –Anjali.

Khushi smiled at the text. She couldn't believe that Anjali's wedding was only 1 month away. How time was flying. She should invite Anjali and Shyam to stay here for a few days. Since Ammi and Abbu were here, it will be nice to have everyone under one roof.

Just as Khushi was about to respond to Anjali, she stopped herself. It wasn't her place to make that kind of decision...she should ask Arnav first to see if it was alright to invite people over here. Putting her phone down, Khushi got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

When Khushi made her way down, she saw Manohar and Shashi drinking a cup of tea and chit chatting. "Good morning." Khushi smiled, greeting them.

Both men turned to Khushi and gave her loving smiles. "Morning beta" Manohar responded. Shashi got up and gave Khushi a hug, "Did you sleep well?" Shashi asked.

Surprisingly, Khushi did sleep well last night. "Haan Abbu." Khushi replied honestly. Shashi studied his daughter's face and liked what he saw. Her face was getting its glow back...slowly....but surely.

Khushi excused herself and went to the kitchen and was surprised to see Arnav already there. He was making some coffee and reading the newspaper. He looked up when she entered the kitchen, and his smile bloomed. "Good morning." Arnav said, and Khushi felt butterflies scatter in her stomach.

"Good morning." Khushi replied, trying to be as casual as possible. She walked over to the pantry and looked at the ingredients. Khushi gave Arnav a quick look and saw that he was busy reading. Arnav happened to glance up and caught Khushi quickly looking away, avoiding eye contact with him. He frowned at that. It happened so fast that he thought he imagined it.

She picked up some carrots from the pantry and walked over to the counter to start cutting them. Khushi was trying to figure out how to start a conversation with Arnav. Things have been pretty heated between them the last few times they have been alone. And Khushi wasn't sure how to be around this Arnav. Friendly Arnav she could handle....even angry Arnav she could handle...but she didn't know how to handle Arnav after his love confession. Their moment in the balcony last night didn't help her conflicted feelings either. No matter how much she tried to protect herself...she felt herself be more drawn to the different layers of Arnav Singh Raizada.

Last night, Arnav was giving her so much attention that she didn't even realize when Yash left the party. She remembered at one point glancing over at Yash when she was on the dance floor with Arnav, and she saw Yash busy networking with celebrities. Then Arnav smoothly spun her and pulled her back to him. She felt her body collide with Arnav's and all thought of Yash left her for the rest of the party.

Should she make small talk? Ask about the reviews on his movie? She wanted to ask him if it's ok to invite Anjali and Shyam to stay with them for a few days...but she didn't know how to even bring up the topic.

Khushi looked over at Arnav again and this time Arnav caught her gaze dead on. Khushi looked away quickly again, embarrassed at being caught. She avoided looking at him and started peeling the carrots.

On the other hand, Arnav bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smirking. From their time together, Arnav has slowly learned to read Khushi. Putting down his coffee mug, Arnav started walking up to her.

Sensing Arnav getting closer, Khushi focused all her attention on the vegetable she was cutting, but she couldn't keep her hands steady. Damn him for having such an effect on her.

Zaroorat - Arshi FFWhere stories live. Discover now