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The next morning, Arnav woke up, early as usual, to go to work. He knew he was avoiding Khushi and they should talk soon, but he still wasn't quite sure what to say to her. That is why he's been leaving before she wakes up. A part of him also felt bad because he hasn't been spending much time with Ahaana in his mission to avoid home.

His idea, however, didn't go as planned this morning. When he made his way to the kitchen for some cereal, he was greeted with the smell of something heavenly on the stove and Khushi flipping something on the pan.

Khushi felt Arnav's presence the moment he stepped into the kitchen. 'Here goes nothing...' She mentally told herself and turned to give Arnav a smile.

"Good morning, breakfast is almost done...have a seat." She said, keeping her voice light and casual.

Arnav didn't know how to react. The first thought that crossed his mind was that Payal loved cooking for him, and seeing Khushi in the same kitchen only reminded him that Payal wasn't going to come back. He took a few moments to get his emotions under control and finally sat down on the dining table.

When a plate of aloo parathas was placed in front of him, it was almost like déjà vu. This was his favorite. How did Khushi know that this was his favorite?

"Payal once told me..." Khushi said, when she saw the questioning look on Arnav's face. She didn't miss the pain that entered his eyes at the mention of Payal. He then lowered his eyes and tore a piece of the paratha, putting it in his mouth.

"It's good...thank you." Arnav murmured softly. For the next few moments there was an awkward silence between them. The only sounds were their utensils clinking against the glass plates.

After a few more moments, Khushi decided to speak. "I actually wanted to talk to you" She started. When she knew she had Arnav's attention, she continued, "I know we didn't get married in the best of conditions, but I was hoping we can make the best of the situation...for our family and for Ahaana. Ahaana needs her dad and I don't want you to avoid your own home because of me."

Arnav placed his utensils down and looked Khushi in the eye. Her words were oddly soothing and he admired her for taking the first step. He decided to finally say what was in his mind as well, "I'm really sorry for avoiding you for the past few weeks. I just...needed some time for myself. And I want to thank you for what you're doing for really means a lot" he replied genuinely.

Khushi smiled, but she sensed that Arnav wasn't done speaking.

"There is something else you should know..." when Khushi waited, Arnav continued, he had to make sure they were on the same page where their marriage was concerned. "I don't want you to expect something I can't give you...I'll always love Payal and there will be no one after her. You are her sister and I will try my best to take care of you...I just can't give my heart to you. I hope you understand..."

When Khushi remained quiet, Arnav pushed away from the table and stood up. "Thank you for breakfast." Arnav concluded, and with a small smile, exited the kitchen and left for work.

Khushi didn't move for a few moments after Arnav's departure, his words ringing in her ears. Her heart ached for him...he was so utterly broken. And her heart ached for herself, because she related to him in more ways than he knew.

"Hum samajte hai Arnav...aapka dard...hum samajte hain." Khushi whispered. She closed her eyes and a handsome man with glasses and a boyish smile appeared before her eyes. Payal was the only other person who knew Khushi's secret. Khushi loved this man with the boyish smile...and leaving him was one of the many sacrifices she made for this marriage.


Later that evening, Arnav finished shoot early and decided to come home instead of his usual trip to the bar. He really appreciated Khushi for taking the first step to make this marriage work, and if she can put in the can he. If anything, they can build mutual respect and friendship between them.

Once he reached hone, he noticed the 1st floor of the double story house empty and stopped a passing maid, Mona, "Where is Khushi?" Arnav asked.

"Madam is in the nursery with the baby" Mona answered politely and continued on her way.

Arnav made his way up the stairs and headed towards the nursery. He hoped to catch Ahaana before she turned in for the night. Lucky for him, he walked in at the right time.

Khushi was changing Ahaana's diapers and making cooing noises at her, earning cute gurgling noises in return.

Arnav felt his lips twitch up at the sight as he watched Khushi play with Ahaana for a few moments. One good thing did come out of this marriage, and it was that Khushi stepped into the role of a mother beautifully. Payal would be proud.

Khushi felt like she was being watched and turned to come face to face with Arnav. The way her body reacted surprised her. Khushi felt her heartbeat trip...just a little. And what was this? She got this nervous feeling in her stomach she hasn't felt in a long time. But Khushi brushed it off as being caught off guard and gave him a welcoming smile.

"Hey...How long where you standing there?" Khushi asked, not expecting to see him home so soon. This was progress. Khushi picked up Ahaana from the changing table and walked towards Arnav.

"Just a few minutes ago." Arnav replied as he entered the room further and met them in the middle. He traced a finger over Ahaana's cheek, "How is she doing?" he asked.

"She's been a sweetheart, no trouble at all." Khushi answered, affection evident in her voice for the baby girl.

Arnav smiled and automatically took Ahaana from Khushi's arms to hold her. He hesitated for a bit, but finally asked, "Is it ok if I play with her a little bit before you put her to sleep?" Arnav asked hopefully.

Khushi let out a soft chuckle, "Don't be silly...of course you can. In fact, why don't you feed her and watch her for a bit? I'll go shower in the meantime and put her to sleep after. I already prepped the formula for her." Khushi said. This earned Khushi another small smile from Arnav. They kept on smiling at each other, not really knowing what else to say, until it became slightly awkward and Khushi took this as her cue to leave.

Khushi left the nursery and made her way to her room to shower, feeling lifted for the first time since Payal's death. It was still awkward between them, but at least they were talking to each other. They were starting to share Ahaana's responsibilities and even smiled at each other briefly. This was definitely progress.


When Khushi finished her shower and came back to put Ahaana to sleep, Arnav went to his library to look over a few scripts. He then heard the soft humming.

~Abhi naa jao chor dil abhi bhaara nahin...~

He closed his eyes and listened to it for a few moments. It was still painfully unbearable, his heart aching hearing the familiar tune. But he felt the raging storm inside him quiet a little...just a Khushi's voice soothed him...leaving him slightly surprised at the new development.


Hope you enjoyed this part!

Zaroorat - Arshi FFWhere stories live. Discover now