part 12.

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"she pooped again" Mon El said trying to hand Everleigh to Kara.

"Then change her diaper. I mean it's been 3 months since she was born and you haven't changed her diaper once."


"No but's. Good luck!"


"I'll make her milk, she's hungry." Kara then said.

She walks to the kitchen and Starts preparing Everleigh's . It doesn't take long till Mon El walks up to her holding Everleigh in his arms.

"It wasn't as hard as I thought."

"I told you so."

Kara takes Everleigh's milk as she walks up to the couch, Mon El right after her.

"Let's give her the milk, she's tired." Mon-el said. He hands the baby to Kara.

"Here you go." She says as she gives Everleigh her milk.

"So tell me, how was your day?" Mon El asks.

"Like always there was a lot of work to do but thank God I got to give my article to snapper! Then I had to once again save national city what I thought was actually great and now I'm here with you and our gorgeous daughter. This is always the best time of the day." Kara says  looking down to Everleigh.

"She's asleep, do you want me to put her in her bed?" Mon El asks.

" I'll put her in, but later. I want to hold her a while longer. I want to enjoy her. She's growing up so fast..."

"I understand" Mon El says smiling.
"She really is growing up fast!" He says now laughing.

They talk for a couple of minutes when they hear Mon El's Phone ringing. They were surprised looking at each other since it was almost 10 pm but that's not the only reason they're surprised. The one that's calling is J'onn. He doesn't really call this late, only  if it's an emergency.

"Let me answer it quickly" Mon-el says standing up. Kara just looks at  him nodding.

It doesn't take really long till Mon El hangs up. He doesn't look very happy, he looks more worried.

"What did J'onn say?" Kara asks.

"It's Barry. He said he got there worried and said that he needs one of us there and that he has to tell us something really important."


"Stay here with Everleigh I'll go and as soon as I come back I'll tell you everything ok?" Mon El then said.

"Ok" Kara answers. She isn't worried. She expects everything but not what's coming next.

*At the DEO*

"Hey Barry" Mon El says waving at him.

"Mon El! Hey!" Barry answers.
Mon El walks up to him and since Barry is sitting he sits down too. He looks around and he Sees Alex and J'onn standing there.

"So, what happened? You all look like someone died. What is it about?"

"It's about your daughter Mon El. And it's nothing great, you have to save her and this world!"


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