Part 28

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Kara's pov

I feel two little arms around my legs. What's wrong? Five minutes ago everything was ok. Right after that I hear two kids laughing and a woman screaming. Imra. Soon I see her coming towards us. Mon el running after her as if he was a puppy.
Ev looks up to crying for help with her eyes.
"Help me, I'm in so much trouble now!", she says hugging me harder.
"What happened?", I ask.
"What happened!?"
Shoot, Imra should calm down!Her screams are not good for the babies! I jump up as I hear her screaming in front of me. Is she wet, with as I see water!?
Hold back your laughter Kara, hold it back!
"Your daughter pored freaking water on me! You should start-", I cut her off. Ugh drama queen. Plus, she just wanted to say something bad about my daughter, something I cannot tolerate. I get even more mad when I'm pregnant, so she better shut her mouth. Otherwise there won't be water falling on her, she will be falling into the water. 
„Calm down Imra. It was just a prank, stop overreacting. I'll talk to her, but stop screaming, it makes her really nervous when strangers scream at her.", I say trying to be as calm as possible. Taking Everleigh by her hand I say:
„ we better get going, it's already late. Say bye to your father cutie."
I don't even know why I said that. I actually was in the middle of a conversation with Alex and Lena, but I guess I didn't want to make a bigger deal out of this. I look at Everleigh while she gives her father one last hug. As Everleigh turns around I give him one last look, he does as well and smile's slightly.
I don't know what it is but I think what I answer him with is near to a smile. I take Ev once again by her hand, then we exit the building.

*present day*

Everleigh's pov

"Stop staring at me Imra, it's creepy."
5 minutes with her and I'm already freaking out.
I would much rather be with dad right now.
Watching a movie or something, anything is better than staying alone with Imra.
"You haven't answered me yet, what do you want to eat?"
I roll my eyes.
"I told you I'm not hungry."
"And I told you that I don't believe this bullshit cause I'm pretty sure you're just trying to be a brat again."
I look away from my I pad. See, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have called me a brat in front of my dad. She would never!
Her voice sounds even more annoyed every time she tells me to eat something. I don't know why she would even want me to eat something, she couldn't care less! And I swear I'm not hungry. I'm not just doing this to get on her nerves. The last thing I want is her attention, believe me I would rather be in my room playing or drawing something but here I am, stuck with this witch all by myself.
"Could you please just drop it Imra. Just leave me alone, I told you. I. Am. Not. Hungry."
And with that I take all my stuff and head to my room when all of a sudden I feel a cold hand hold my wrist.

Mon el's pov

I see this brown haired woman. The woman who raised me. The woman who did so many bad things to my family. Yet the woman got a chance and used this chance in a good way to make everything better.
I slowly make my way to her but she's faster than I am. A lot faster. Soon I feel two arms embrace me. I feel the love I used to feel when she hugged me as a kid. The excitement I felt every time she came to say good night. And all of a sudden I don't want to let go of her, just like every time she'd leave me for work back in Daxam. I know she's done too many bad things but Kara has forgiven her, so I should too. 
"I missed you so, so much!", she says holding my face.
"I missed you too..", I whisper and hug her again.

I missed you too.


"We'll go right now mother, I just need to do some things."
I walk out the room we're in. Almost no one is in the DEO. well, just Brainy and some other agents. And I also don't have to do anything important it's just that right after I met my mother Brainy came up to me we talked for a while and right after I told him that Everleigh was staying alone with Imra he just stopped and told me to meet him in the medical room he's always in. 
I start searching for him, I mean, there are enough medical rooms at the DEO, he could've just told me which one he means.
"Mon-el, Mon-el!"
I turn around to look at him.
"Go get your daughter, I like her and I don't want anything to happen to her because of Imra. Something's going on and it's not good..."
"Wait, Brainy what are you talking about!?"
"Just go home and get Everleigh as far as possible away from Imra. She's dangerous. Now!"
I feel his hands turn me around and lightly push me as a sign to go.  Brainy wouldn't joke with such a thing. He basically never jokes! I should get there as fast as possible.


Everleigh's pov

"Let me go you witch!"
She's scaring me. I try to break free from her arms but it's not working! This dumb, stupid bracelet! She's too strong! She keeps caring me toward the kitchen table. There I see some weird meal. Ew. Potatoes, broccoli, noodles? Was she just Mixing up some random sauce? She didn't even put sauce on it. She could've also just ordered a pizza or something!
"Sit down. Eat. Don't even think of putting your bracelet of."
She sits down next to me.
"I want sauce."
I look down at the table as I see her creepy grin. My wrist is really hurting and I'm not used to being hurt.
And with that she turns around to get the sauce. She turns back to me and pours it on my food.
I take a bite.
And another bite.
And another bite.
Tastes pretty weird. Like she added something.
"I'm full.", I smirk.
"Don't worry, believe me this is enough."
I don't really hear her. It's like her voice is getting louder and quiet at the same time. Everything's blurry and I seem to not be able to hold my own weight. And I start to see everything blurry, my eyes become heavy. I can't hold them anymore the last thing I see before passing out are men entering the apartment.

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