Part 27

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Mon-el's pov

"And, how's she called?", I ask Everleigh curiously.  I'm trying to enjoy the time with her ever since I arrived one month ago. Imra and I moved to an apartment and Brainy decided to stay at the DEO for some time. Oh, Ev loves Brainy, she's crazy with him him! But she doesn't like Imra, I still have hopes that this changes though. I see Kara and Everleigh every day, which makes me happy cause now I feel like I'm with my family. I missed Kara and somehow I still think I might have some feelings for her, but I don't know it yet, it's just that this feeling in my stomach I have every time I talk to her or am even near to her is a little suspicious. I'm not allowed to have those feelings for her, I'm with Imra now, to leave her for Kara would break her and I don't want her to feel bad. Kara on the other hand is the mother of my children....
"This is Mia, she's the princess. Did you know I would kind of be a princess too? Grandma Rhea told me.", she tells me holding her favorite doll up, it wears a tiny pink beautiful princess dress and has brown hair with a little crown on the top of her head.

So she has met my mother. Of course. How could I forget about it? Daxamites can get revived with their ashes! But if Everleigh has no problem with her then I suppose that Kara has no problem with her either.
"Oh you've met your grandma!"
"Yeah, she's awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing her and my other grandmas in the weeks! They want to come before the babies are born.". She stops to look at her clock. "I have to get ready for dancing now.", she says. I stand up from the warm floor I've been sitting on for the past two hours playing dolls with Everleigh and put the crown and the little wings she had put on me down as I walk out of the room.
"I'll wait for you downstairs.", I say before closing her door. Walking down the stairs I can see Kara, who's about to walk up the stairs. "She's already getting ready. You can go sit down if you want.". I smile at her, she smiles back. I forgot how much I missed her smile! Together, we walk to the living room, to soon sit down on the couch. I look at her, which as I see kind of makes her quite uncomfortable after how I see that she's looking around herself as if she was trying to find something that isn't here. My look goes from her face to her belly. „May I?", I ask holding my right Hand over her stomach. She nods and I put my hand on her belly. As soon as this happens the babies start moving. Like crazy! I just look at her her again and know she knows how I'm feeling. I guess this is our thing. We don't have to talk we can communicate just by looking at each other and I love it. I love her....
„I'm done, we can go now."
I look back and see Ev standing in the corner of the room. „Come on, I need the time to practice!", she then annoyingly tells us.
„We're coming!", I answer. Wow, I see she's taking dancing really serious. I never realized she liked it so much, or no, I forgot she liked it so much.
I stand up, giving Kara my hand to help her get up, then we head to the car.


„And that's what your dance is about? A girl who has no one and has to fight herself through life?"
„What a sad story!"
„ Yeah, sad stories are always better."
I look at Kara trying to tell her how weird it is to hear  this from an eight year old, and she gets it. See, told you this was our thing. Suddenly I feel how the car stops and Ev runs out of it. „I'mma go warm up!", she shouts running away with her cute little my little pony backpack. Soon she disappears into this the tall white building. "Come on, otherwise you won't be able to see her practice, it's the best moment!"
And with that Kara also gets out of the car. Wow... well, I have no other option left than go after her... entering the building I realize it's a lot different than I remember. I turn to the left and see a wall full of pictures of the students then on the right side I see a cabinet full of trophies. I keep walking straight, then soon arrive at her rehearsal. I quickly walk towards Kara, who's standing next to Maggie. „ We don't always have to watch them dance while they're rehearsing. Just before the competitions", Kara explains herself, then takes my hand and enters the rehearsal. I'm like a new born baby who doesn't know anything in this world! In here I see Bella and Ev talking to a boy, I think Daniel is his name. I remember him. They're laughing so much, excuse me let me correct myself, Everleigh is laughing much, too much. She gets interrupted by her teacher „Everleigh, Daniel, I want to see your Solos."
„Daniel, you first ok?", she asks.
„Yeah.", he answers in an incredible nice way. He has this tiny cute baby voice, well not baby voice but he's so silent and shy. It did take me a time to even understand what he was saying. He starts dancing. And oh, he dances pretty well! He dances really fluent. If he would've done a mistake, it would look like this was meant to be. His steps are smooth and his face's always straight, very concentrated. You can see he's trying not to mess up. I look over my shoulder to see a tall, brunette, blue eyed woman recording him. I'm pretty sure this must be his mom. She looks so proud and can't stop smiling while seeing his son dance. Suddenly I feel a tip on my shoulder.
„He's amazing isn't he?", Kara asks whispering. I nod and soon after, my gaze is on Everleigh and on Daniel. The boy finishes his dance. I expect him to look around the room to see everyone else's reactions. The reactions of the dancers, of the parents... but instead his glance is on Ev, who has been constantly smiling this whole time. She keeps her thumb up as he smiles back at her. I keep staring at both of them, not getting over the fact that he actually doesn't care about what others think.
„So Ev, now it's your turn."
Everleigh nods. Right after that she starts dancing. It's like I'm watching her fly! I never knew she was this flexible. And I feel like I'm watching a movie while watching her dance. Now I get why she told me sad stories are always better, because they do easily touch others hearts, just like it's touching mine now. And I can see it's not only touching mine, cause Kara is smiling like crazy while filming, and I'm loving her smile....
Right now I just want to thank her for giving me the chance of experiencing this. And I mean all of it. She gave me the opportunity of being a father. And it kills me that I can't be with her right now when she needs me the most, that I can't hug her and tell her ‚see this is our kid'. It kills me that I can't really communicate with her anymore...
Getting away from my thoughts I see Maggie's eyes staring into my soul. It creeps me out so I just look away and watch Everleigh finish her dance. It's peaceful, I loved it.


Soon after seeing all the dances we drive home.
"Dad, am I staying with you after the dance competition?", I hear Ev ask me from her car seat. I know why she's asking, she always does that. Ask about when She's gonna stay with me. Then she asks for how long she will stay with me. Everleigh doesn't do that because she wants to know how much time she'll spend with me, noooo, she only does this because she wants to know how much time she has to spend with Imra. That's how much she hates her. I would like her to bond better with Imra and I will get her to bond with Imra and it also will be risky and Ev will be mad at me, but hey, as some people like to say:
You need to always think positive!
So I thought about maybe leaving them alone for a time, it would also just be Two hours or something so I expect nothing bad to happen. I have already told Imra about it and surprisingly she thinks it's an awesome idea!
"Yup.", I answer. I can already feel her eyes rolling at me.
"Alright." , she says in a kind of annoyed tone. It annoys me cause she won't give Imra one chance, not one! Maybe my mom can talk to her now that she's coming tomorrow for a visit with Kara's mom. Hmm, I don't know.
The rest of the drive everyone is silent and once we arrive at their home I say good bye, quickly go into my car and drive home. I can already sense how mad Imra is.


Everleigh's pov

Uff, again another big win! I'm happy I won, and I'm also happy Bella's and my duo won! Sadly Mason placed 3rd but, he seemed pretty happy! I mean he should be happy! 3rd place is not bad at all.
Today even Grandma Eliza and grandma Alura came! I've always wanted them to watch me dance, I hope they're proud of  us. After the awards I quickly take Bella by her hand and run to the dressing room. We both are wearing the same costumes because of the duo. Blue little dresses with crowns, which have a lot of white and blue flowers on them. We both have trophies in our hands. She has the one from the duo and I have the one from my solo. We also have medals! I love it!
Then I stop walking. I totally forgot about Daniel!
"Are you coming Daniel?", I shout to get his attention. And I got it! He turns around to look at me and smiles. Seconds later he's standing next to me.
"Congratulations for the win Ev!"
He hugs me. His arms so warm around me and I can feel his breath on my shoulder. He's never hugged me before, never... it feels great and caring...
"Thanks.", I whisper then let go of him. He looks at me with his ocean blue eyes. I love his eyes, they're soooo beautiful!
Turning around to Bella I say:
"C'mon let's go, our parents are waiting for us."
After that we all run to the dressing room to soon be surprised by all our parents. Everyone is here because the group dance won and I mean its always a huge deal but now that it's nationals it's an even bigger deal! All our mates are already standing there. Daniel runs away after he finds his mother and his stepfather standing in one corner. Oh, Mason is also here. That's weird. Curious I watch them. Daniel first wants to go hug his mom but weirdly his father takes his arm and hugs him....sorry stepfather...
Daniels look is awfully terrified. You can see he isn't feeling comfortable. I have never really liked his father and I never knew why, but I still think there's something behind it. There must be something behind it. I want to keep watching them but I get interrupted by...everyone!
It's crazy!! Mom, grandma Alura, grandma Eliza, grandpa J'onn, aunt Alex, Lena and Maggie, mom, dad and ughh Imra...
I hate her, and I know hate is a strong word and mom said I should never use it but when it comes to Imra, it is hate. Dad is so naive for thinking that she's nice and that I'm only jealous because he is with her and not with mom. He clearly doesn't know the way she is when we're alone. Even for 5 minutes. She keeps telling me those awful things, we'll not awful but they're not nice either. She keeps treating me like poo. And I don't like it when people just treat me this way. I never did something to her. Lie. I did do some things to her, but she deserved them! Every time she is around I feel something in my throat burning, like it's waiting for me to spit it out. And I would do it, I just don't want to make dad sad...
I look at this awful monster standing next to me. Is she trying to touch my shoulder!? Nah- ah never. Quickly I back away from her. Ew. I turn to my mom as I feel that I bumped against her. She takes me by my shoulders.
"And cutie are you ready to sleep over at your dad's?"
"Are you sure you don't need my help mom? I'm afraid you might need my help.", it's true I always want to help her. She's pregnant and I don't anything to happen to her or the babies.
"Your grandma will take care of me, go have fun with your dad."
"Ok bye!", I hug her and the others one last time before dad, Imra and I head to the car. Arrived there dads puts all my stuff into the trunk.
I enter the the car, sit down and buckle up. Waiting for the car to start I hear dad say:
"Ev, I have to go pick up your grandma and do some things at the DEO so you will be staying alone with Imra."
Alone? With Imra!? Nooooooo!

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