part 9.

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"will she be ok Alex?" Mon-el asked worried about Kara and his daughter, but he got even more worried when Alex didn't answer. She just stood there acting like no one was speaking to her. She looked like she was in shock.


"I don't know guys..." She said tearing up.

" The lead, it affected the baby..." She kept on. Holding back her tears.

"What are you saying?" Mon El asked almost breaking down.

"She...they are in a very bad condition." Alex clarified.

"But...but I thought it was safe for them if we used the lead." Mon El said looking at Lena.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry..." Lena said realizing what just happened.

"Can't we just use a bracelet like mine?" Mon El asked.

" We can't, it needs to be on you before the lead enters your body..." Lena said. She gave herself the fault at all this.

"I know a solution..." J'onn said looking at the floor and then making rye contact with Mon El.

"There's this martian liquid. It's very powerful and it could save anyone's life. I just had this last portion and I think we should use it for Kara." J'onn said. But for the fact that these were good News he didn't look like he was that happy. He looked like there were consequences, and there were some.

"Alright, then let's do it!" Mon El and Alex said at the same time.

" Alright, but before we do it you need to know something. As I told you this water is very powerful, that means that if she drinks it she can I say it...kind of get new powers. Or bettersaid if she gets new powers for the time she is pregnant it means that your will have powers. Don't worry if this happens it'll be like this: Kara will have the powers till she gives birth to the little baby, after it she won't have them anymore."

"Ok. And what's so bad about it?" Mon El asked.

"There will be a lot of people after your daughter. I mean the she would get if this happens are very powerful. She would be more powerful than you, Kara, superman and me together. So are you willing to do it?"

" Yes."

"Alright then let's do it. I'll go get it."

While J'onn went away Mon El went to look after Kara.

" Hey" Kara said. She didn't just sound weak, she was very weak and seeing Kara like that broke Mon El's heart.

"Are we going to be ok again?" She asked looking down at her belly.

"Yes, you both will be ok very soon!" Mon El answered. He really couldn't see her this way. He looked to the door and realized Lena was standing there.

"May I talk to Kara for a second?" She asked shyly.

"Sure come in. I'll just go see where J'onn is."

"Hey" Kara said and Lena answered the same.

"Kara... I'm so sorry! I didn't know it would affect both of you! I... I really didn't want all this to happen... But heyy you'll be better ok? J'onn is getting that thing that is supposed to save you!" With tears in her eyes

" Lena. Stop crying. Everyone does mistakes ok? Even you. And it's ok. No one is judging you. C'mon give me a hug."

"Thank you Kara." Lena said while hugging her. But Kara didn't answer. She just started shaking. Lena didn't know what was happening so she called J'onn and Alex.


It didn't take long till they arrived.

" Hey, hey Kara, come on you need you drink this." Alex said while holding a cup onto Kara's mouth.
"C'mon drink it Kara!"
Everyone thought she would not drink it but then Kara started shallowing it and right after that the shaking stoped.

5 minutes later everyone was still standing there. Kara was still was tired but not weak. You could see it in her eyes. The blue comets were back. That's something Mon El would have said.

"I think Kara wants to rest a little. We should probably give her some space." Alex said. And Mon El agreed. So they all went out.

Hope you liked this part. Again please vote and if you want to also comment. Till the next part.

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