Chapter 5

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A flower boy had awoken to the incense tickling at his nose, he remembered someone would alway reek of this incense and it made him feel queasy. But... that was all he could remember. He groaned feeling quite sore for some reason... down there.

Ah. He'd probably fallen over and landed right on his ass. He tried to sit up but pain shot up his spine, he groaned opening his eyes then lied back down in defeat.

"Ah! Didi! You're awake?" Dumb question. Of course he was awake.
"Mm." He responded, not wanting this woman to worry if he'd said that he doesn't know her.
"Ah. I see, this jiejie will have a bath ready for you! I'll call for you when it's ready, Hmm?" He nodded in response, not knowing his relationship to this person. Were they actually brother and sister?

He decided to look around the room, to gain insight on his whereabouts. He seemed to be in a gaudily lavish bedroom. There were multiple incense sticks on the window sill, just what kind of scent were they trying to get rid of?

The flower boy got out of bed after a call from his jie, and was startled to find himself naked. What was worse was the odd liquid that seemed to be drying between his legs, the bites and bruises. Ah. He guessed this probably summed up his situation. Then this place must be a brothel?

(Flower boy= male sex worker   Flower girl: female sex worker -not the girl at a wedding- Flower house= brothel   for anyone who was unaware)

He wrapped one of the sheets around himself and hurried to where the bath was, each step felt even more painful than the last.
"He was too rough on you..." his jiejie frowned, to which he just hummed. She excused herself and he sunk into the wooden-barrel-like tub. There was a bronze mirror on the wall, displaying a portrait that was unfamiliar to the poor flower boy.

He starred at himself for a bit and rubbed the painted flower that was situated between his brows, eventually rubbing most of it off. He used more water and more soap. He kept scrubbing, and scrubbing, and scrubbing... but the rest wouldn't come off and seemed to almost glow a deeper red.

Liu Qingge was scouting out 'Town A' and asking around about any demonic activity in the area. He stopped in front of the red light district. Of course demons would be more willing to go around this area.

(Red light district= an area that's more active at night than day it usually consists of gambling dens, brothels and things deemed inappropriate.)

Liu Qingge walked along the paved road, which had definitely been well worn. He stopped in front of a brothel he used to visit often to sleep in one of the rooms alone and teach the sex workers, musicians and chefs literature.

Maybe... he could just see them... after all, they were still alive. A lot of people were killed off in the past timeline, even people anyone else would deem irrelevant were killed. Mostly to make Shen Jiu feel even more alone. But that was the past. Binghe wasn't a demon emperor anymore. And he was no longer Shen QingQiu. He just hoped that no one would see him... especially in his shidi's body, though knowing his reputation many would just conclude that it was for the investigation.

He walked in. When he saw their faces he wanted to tell them... he wanted to tell them so bad that he was Shen QingQiu and watch their faces light up at the only immortal that treated them like any other person. But he couldn't. The system would quite literally take his life if he told them.

He bowed and politely introduced himself.
"Hello. I'll get straight to the point... a demon has been killing 'beauties', I'm told, in the neighbouring town. It's said the demon has come to this town and I'm here to investigate." He completely bullshitted. The murders hadn't even happened yet.

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