"A Real Girlfriend."

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This morning my boyfriend tweeted all these things. Apparently I'm not a 'real' girlfriend. I'm sorry I'm not fucking good enough.
I can't help how I am. The italics under each quote is my response..

"Real girlfriends ain't selfish"
I've never been selfish. I nearly always put others first

" Real girlfriends ain't self obsessed"
I don't even know the definition of that. How can I be that?

"Real girlfriends don't question how much there really loved especially when there partner would do anything for them"
I can't help questioning someone whose actions don't mirror words.

"Real girlfriends don't make there boyfriend feel like shit and as tho there not even worth it"
That has never been my intention, yet it seems to be okay when he makes me feel shit.

"Real girlfriends don't make there boyfriend feel so small in public"
Again, I don't know how to do that with intention. I've never meant to do so.

"Real girlfriends don't make there boyfriend feel stupid"
'Real boyfriends' don't make their girlfriends feel insignificant and worthless.

"Real girlfriends put the needs of there boyfriend first"
I literally do this all the time - but when I can't I'm in the wrong.

"And real girlfriends believe you when you talk about having a future with them, including marriage and children"
If you love someone, you don't talk about your exes.

"Real girlfriends don't demand so much of there boyfriend. They respect what they get"
Yet I'm always expected to give more than I have.

"Real girlfriends should be trying to hold on to there lover...not try there hardest to push them away"
I can't help pushing people away. You need to try harder to pull me back..

"Real girlfriends should believe that if there partner is with them..it's cus they want to be, cus they freaking love them."
Actions speak louder than words. Sometimes I need something more than just 'I love you'.

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