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...all your intuition says is "expansion comes first", but, not just by material I'm talking about in here" replied Alan pointing at Boo's heart. "we will, reach a compromise with Tribakwiyans"

"Your choices are very clear and simple, you'll either cooperate and live here gracefully, or you can retaliate and suffer the consequences"

Alan didn't want to cooperate, but when his needs opposed his wants, he needed to follow his needs, so he submitted, for now, which landed him a home in the village.

He couldn't sleep that night, he just kept thinking, about how to get out of the sticky situation he got put in, especially that he hasn't found his Guenara rock, he still didn't realise it combusted yet. He thought about all of the day's events, until his memory replayed the part where Boo mentioned this was Gwaxy and Guen's fifth night, "maybe there's a sixth?" He thought to himself, so he decided to leave early to "take a walk" on the shoreline and hopefully find another rock.

Fast forward the next day, while investigating the sand, he felt a presence behind him, low and behold, five Terraformers including Boo were there

"What are you doing here?

-just taking a walk

-does a walk in your island include kneeling down and looking though sand

-no, I just liked the water so I decided to play with it

-why do you want to find the Guenara rock?

-because I don't have one anymore

-yours combusted before you performed a strong spell

-or maybe you guys stole it

-WHAT? are you calling me a liar

-liar, aggressor, stubborn, selfish..what else?

-you're on the Tribakwiyan side aren't you?

-I'm on the right side, people in my homeland are so stupid for not realizing the relativity of two dichotomous existences, they separate every two opposites instead of embracing duality and attempting collision to reach harmony and equity, they're fools, and so are you"

The only thing that saved Alan was that the Terraformers couldn't terraforms sand, so they just ran at him, he jumped into the ocean and swam away with Xynar, he earned a couple of threats but they were all shallow since no Terraformer follow him

"You outgrew us fast huh?" Boo asked shouting one last time

"I didn't outgrow you, I just didn't know you"..

The Praying Terraformers did not dare to chase him, in fear of disturbing.....hEr

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