them(2): evolution, revolution

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They will be able to annihilate all of the striders' island, alongside earthly striders and the most recent groundly striders, too. The only ones that may survive are the cosmic ones, because they can fly, and even that may not be enough. I sadly cannot sabotage the boxes because of how much security there's, so our only hope is for you to sabotage then when we're sailing toward the island, what's just as important, is that we need to destroy the book that explained how the beam shooter is made, so it can't be replicated.

-how are we going to pull this off? You guys seem to be technologically advanced, security is going to pose a big challenge.

-well, I believe it is time to sail to BarterNeris, you can scout the area and get the dynamics of how life works there, to help me develop a plan"

Lyt went before Alan, he returned to the island, after a while, Alan sailed again, they left a time interval, so it seems like they've never seen each other.

When Alan reached the shores, he heard loud SIREN noises. The BarterAquaForce has detected him, and were about to annihilate him immediately, when the guns suddenly summoned from underground, Alan terraformed the rocks and broke the guns. The question pacing through his head was how to prove he's not there to harm them, like he had to do with every other creature.


Suddenly what looked like the leader of the force signaled for his troops to lower their guns and said "you have thirty seconds to explain who you are and what your reason for being here is"

Alan panicked and tried to formulate a few sentences, he replied "I'm Alan, I sail from island to island, I discover the island and its people, along with their culture, I'm here to learn about barterschzepos, I mean no harm, I promise, my only purpose here is to acquire knowledge.

-Hmm, barterschzepos huh? How do you know about us?

-when sailing to different islands, one of the ones I stopped at, called the nocturnal island, told me about you and some other

-such as?

-well ones called cosmic strikers or something like that.

-striders. It's cosmic striders.

-oh yeah, those. And some others like Logachtiges, but this was the closest island which made it my next, or should I say current, destination"

The leader turned to his people and said "I believe he's legit, he also looks like a less voluminous version of me" laughing at the last part.

Barterschzepos, a rounder shorter and fatter version of a human male, with untamed facial hair and poor hygiene. Alan would've thought they invented a razor or a toothbrush among all of the crazy weaponry.

He just realised, no other creature of the ones he previously met smelled, until these ones, was their anatomy this close to humans? Is Xynar trying to say something through all of these islands?

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