Daphne's New Home

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Meanwhile, in Beverly Hills, there was a flurry of activity at a certain beach house, which had previously belonged to the three WOOHP superspies, Sam, Clover and Alex

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Meanwhile, in Beverly Hills, there was a flurry of activity at a certain beach house, which had previously belonged to the three WOOHP superspies, Sam, Clover and Alex. Since the girls had moved into the penthouse at Mali-U, the beach house had spent the last couple of years in disuse, but now the house belonged to Clover's sister, Daphne, who had recently moved in along with her son, Trevor. The pair of them had settled in quite quickly, and were now hosting a small housewarming party, with Trevor and some of his friends splashing about in the pool, while the more grown-up members of the party were helping themselves to food and drinks. In the background, some appropriate music was playing on the speakers.

"Wow, cool party, sis," remarked Clover as she and Blaine walked arm-in-arm over to Daphne, who had been chatting with Sam, Alex, and their respective boyfriends, Dean and Ray.

"Yeah, you've really pulled out all the stops here," agreed Blaine as he took a sip of Pepsi from his glass.

"Thanks," smiled Daphne. "Though it's Alex I should be really thanking for suggesting that Trev and I could move in here. It's such a great place to live."

"Yeah, it was a nice idea, Alex," added Ray Smith with a grin. He was a tall, handsome guy with a medium brown skin tone, side parted brown hair, a stylish goatee beard, and a pair of rimless rectangular glasses perched on the end of his nose. He and Alex had been attending veterinary studies together for the last couple of years, and they had quickly found they had a lot in common, as they both had a fondness for comic books and computer games. However, it was only a few weeks ago that Ray finally plucked up the courage to ask Alex out on a date, to which she quickly said yes, and since then, they quickly realised they were in love with each other.

"Hey, no prob," said Alex as she chomped on a veggie burger. "I'm just glad you like the place so much, Daphne."

"It's kinda strange being back here again after all this time," said Sam, casting a nostalgic look about the place. "This place holds quite a few memories in its walls."

"Mainly good ones, I hope," said Dean, as he planted a kiss on his smiling girlfriend's cheek.

Trevor called out from the middle of the pool, as he and his friends waved to the grown-ups. "Hey, Mom! Do you and Auntie Clover want to join us in here?"

"Okay, sweetheart," chuckled Daphne as she dived into the pool, closely followed by Clover and Blaine, with Sam, Alex, and everyone-else following suit. Soon, the pool was jammed pack with people happily splashing, laughing and cheering away.


Eventually, the party wound down, and everyone started to head home, until eventually only Daphne, Clover, Trevor, Sam and Alex remained to help with the cleaning up, as Ray had to head back to Mali-U to catch up on some studies, while Dean and Blaine had some work to do at WOOHP HQ.

"Phew, that was some party!" breathed Alex as she slumped onto the couch with the others, having finally got the last of the party food back in the fridge.

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