The Legend Of The Lamp

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The next morning, Sam, Clover and Alex had decided to reconvene at the Mali-U cafe to go over what they had learnt so far about the missing lamp, with Daphne planning to join them, once she had dropped Trevor off at his boarding school for the term

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The next morning, Sam, Clover and Alex had decided to reconvene at the Mali-U cafe to go over what they had learnt so far about the missing lamp, with Daphne planning to join them, once she had dropped Trevor off at his boarding school for the term. The cafe had recently been reopened, having needed to be rebuilt after being trashed in the Protection Droid skirmish a couple of years ago. The damage had been so extensive that Virgil had to close the place for repairs, which meant the the girls lost their jobs in the process. But now the place was back in business and as the spies entered the building, they grinned to see that the cafe had been fully restored to its former glory.

"Hey there, girls," called out Virgil, waving at them from behind the counter.

"Hi, Virgil. Sweet job you've done getting this place sorted," commented Clover as the girls walked over to their former employer.

"Totally! You'd never think that it was once smashed up by a load of out-of-control robots," added Alex.

"Thanks, girls," grinned Virgil. "Love the new hairdo, by the way, Alex. Say, now that we're back in business, would you three be up for coming back here to work?"

"Sorry, Virgil, but we're way too busy with studies at present. But thanks for the offer," smiled Sam, as they ordered some coffee, and made their way over to one of the tables. A short while later, Daphne arrived to join them.

"Sorry I'm late, girls," said Daphne. "Principal at Trevor's school wanted to discuss some new after-class activities he thought Trevor might be interested in."

"No biggie," said Sam. "How did Jerry do looking after Trevor?"

"Pretty good, actually. They spent the whole time playing with Trevor's action figure collection. They were having such fun that I had a hard time convincing my new boss that it was time for him to head home! Anyway, getting back to the mission briefing, any new clues pop up?"

"Not really, Daph," sighed Clover. "Since seeing Frank, we haven't got one single lead!"

"Well, I did get the scanner watch to go over every detail of the lamp in that photo Frank gave us," cut in Sam, trying to give some positive input. "And the WOOHP database has found a match for that fancy light burner. Seems it has quite a history too."

"How so?" asked Daphne.

"Well, according to legend, the lamp originated from the ancient kingdom of Suruka. Several thousands of years ago, the gentle and peace-loving Princess of the kingdom was all set to be crowned Queen, but her younger, jealous sister had other ideas."

"Sounds a similar story to what happened between Queen Tassara and Makeda," commented Alex, remembering the mission that had occurred so early on in the spies' careers.

"Yeah, only this one didn't have such a happy ending," said Sam. "The younger sister used a magic spell to turn the Princess into a genie and imprisoned her in that lamp. Civil war broke out in the kingdom, and during the skirmish, the lamp was thrown into the rivers and washed away. It was thought to be lost forever."

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