The Genie

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"Daphne, darling! It's so nice of you to drop by," said Frank Freeman, as he gave Daphne a fond peck on the cheek, after she entered Frank's office, closely followed by Sam, Clover and Alex

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"Daphne, darling! It's so nice of you to drop by," said Frank Freeman, as he gave Daphne a fond peck on the cheek, after she entered Frank's office, closely followed by Sam, Clover and Alex. Frank was a handsome man of about thirty years, with sharp blue eyes and short tidy brown hair, and the way he and Daphne looked at one another made Clover wonder if there used to be something rather more than simple friendship between them.

"Thanks, Frank," said Daphne with a smile. "I just recently moved to Beverly Hills, and I was out shopping with my sister and her friends, when I heard about what happened here on Twitter. Just figured I ought to come and make sure you were okay, since, you know, I was in the neighbourhood."

"That's sweet of you, Daph," said Frank as he indicated his visitors to sit down on some really comfy plush chairs, while he poured out some drinks from a cabinet. "Though there's nothing to worry about, really. The police have gone all over this place, and they reckon that whoever broke in here seems to have been a simple prankster or thrill seeker."

"What makes you say that, Mr Freeman?" asked Sam, as she and the other gratefully accepted the glasses that Freeman handed out.

"Well, the way he broke in here seemed like the work of a professional thief," said Frank, as he gestured to the small hole still left in the window overlooking the city. "He had suction cups, glass cutters and everything. If he wanted to, he could have broken into the safe, and made off with a large number of valuable items we were planning to donate."

"Only he didn't, did he?" said Clover as she sipped her drink.

"Nope. Instead he grabbed an old lamp on my desk. It was just a souvenir that I got at a stall in Egypt. Bit of a nuisance it being stolen, but I can't see it being that valuable to anyone else."

"Mr Freeman, you don't happen to have a photo of your lamp by any chance, do you?" asked Sam. "Only, I'm studying to be a journalist and I could perhaps try to check out the background of your lamp, see if there's any history behind it all."

"Sure, no problemo," said Frank as he crossed to his laptop on the desk, quickly checked through his files and found a photo of the lamp, which he had taken to send to his folks whilst he was in Egypt. Printing the photo off, he handed the picture over to Sam.

"Hope that helps with any articles you're thinking of writing," said Frank. "Though why that old lamp should attract so much attention from a thief who goes around dressed in a tuxedo and cape escapes me."

Alex's ears pricked up at this. "A tuxedo?"

"Yeah, crazy isn't it? According to eyewitnesses on the ground, they saw this guy leap off the side of the building and turn his cape into some kind of glider. Whoever this thief was, he sure had style."


After finishing their drinks and chatting for a few more minutes, the girls made their goodbyes to Frank and exited the building, making their way to Clover's car, which was parked a short distance.

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