Trent Vs Mandy

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About an hour or so later, Trent and Jenny were walking along the beach hand-in-hand, telling as much as they could about themselves and generally enjoying each other's company. For the first time in his life, Trent was feeling quite happy about himself. But it was not because of the large amount of money that he now had. In fact, he was thinking of donating a large amount of what remained to charity, lest he risked becoming as obnoxious as Mandy. What was making him happy was finally having someone to talk to and hang out with as a friend, something he never got to have much time for during his work as Mandy's intern.

For her part, Jenny was happy that her current master was so friendly and considerate. Throughout her years in the lamp, many of her former owners would just make their wishes and send her back in the lamp. But Trent had clearly taken a shine to her and wanted to show her all the wonders of Los Angeles, taking her to the 'Groove' shopping centre, where he got some new outfits and a new car, before taking her for lunch at the Mali-U cafe. And now they were just contentedly making their way along the golden sand of the shore as the waves of the sea gently lapped by their feet.

"I've had such a wonderful day, Trent," said Jenny. "None of my previous 'masters' ever allowed me to see the world properly. All they've ever done is use me to grant their wishes and then just order me back into the lamp and cast me aside when I'm not needed."

"I know how you feel," said Trent. "I've spent the last couple of years working for Mandy, and did she ever say thanks for all my hard work? No. As far as she's concerned I'm just a servant to push around, but I've never felt brave enough to tell her to be just a bit nicer."

"You just need to feel more self-confident," said Jenny soothingly. "Unlike me, you have the freedom to choose your fate. I have to remain in the vicinity of the lamp and grant wishes, regardless of whether my owner is nice or not. You at least can just say 'no' and walk away."

"I never thought of it like that before," said Trent. "I just wish I could free you from that lamp. Is there no way?"

Jenny shifted her feet a little uneasily. "Well, you see..."

"TRENT! Where have you been?" came a loud voice that brought disharmony to the previously peaceful scene. As a startled Trent and Jenny turned towards the source of the voice, they could see a fuming Mandy stomping towards them from ahead.

 As a startled Trent and Jenny turned towards the source of the voice, they could see a fuming Mandy stomping towards them from ahead

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"Where have you been?!" Mandy bellowed in Trent's face. "You were supposed to be picking up my dry cleaning this afternoon!"

"But, Mandy, you fired me, remember?" said Trent wearily.

"Oh yeah? Well, I'm giving you another chance. Now get your sorry butt to the dry cleaners now!"

"Excuse me," Jenny started to say, "but Trent doesn't have to follow your commands if he doesn't want to..."

"Who asked your opinion, loser?" snapped Mandy. "You mind your own business!"

 "You mind your own business!"

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