Be Careful What You Wish For

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Jenny's eyes widened in surprise. "What? You want all my powers as a genie? Everything that comes with it? Even though it means..."

"Of course I do!" growled Dawson. "Now do as I command!"

A small smile crossed Jenny's lips. "Very well. If that is what you wish."

As Jenny snapped her fingers, there came a dazzling blaze of light, blinding everyone for a moment. When it cleared, they could all see Dash Dawson floating in the air, his whole body glowing with pure energy.

"Yes!" he cried in triumph. "I can feel the power inside me! I shall dominate all mankind! I shall become the most powerful being on Earth! I shall..."

His words trailed off as he noticed Jenny regarding him with a smile on her face.

"What is it? What are you smiling about?" he demanded.

Jenny's grin widened as though butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. "Oh nothing. It's just that I assume you know that by taking a genie's powers, you have to take their place in the lamp too, don't you?"

Dawson's jaw dropped in shock and dismay. "What?! You mean... Ah nuts!"

And with that, Dawson's whole body turned into smoke, which then shot straight into the nozzle of the lamp he had been holding. As he vanished from sight, the lamp dropped onto the carpeted floor, before the astonished eyes of everyone-else in the room.

"Mon Dieu!" spluttered Caron, as he scooped up the lamp from the floor. "Dash was always too impulsive."

"Wait, you mean he's trapped in there?" asked Alex.

Jenny nodded somewhat regretfully. "Yes, now he shall have to spend the rest of eternity in servitude, just as I have had to. I'm not wholly proud of allowing him to do this to himself, even though he did threaten Trent's life."

Caron cleared his throat, as he pulled a gun on Jenny

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Caron cleared his throat, as he pulled a gun on Jenny. "Well, you shall just have to swap places with him again, won't you? Call him out of that lamp, and wish yourself back in his place."

"It doesn't work like that," insisted Jenny. "Once a new genie is in the lamp, he or she must remain there for at least a hundred years, before they can be summoned for the first time!"

"Then," said Caron slowly, "I am terribly sorry to say that I have to cut short your newfound mortality. I simply cannot risk you giving me away to the authorities. Goodbye."

But while everyone had been talking, Trent had slowly come to and the first thing he noticed was Caron pointing a gun at Jenny. As Caron prepared to pull the trigger, Trent launched himself forward at the crook, knocking him to the floor and sending the gun flying out of Caron's grasp and across the room. With a furious yell, Caron delivered a sucker punch to Trent's jaw, knocking him out again. But as Caron scrambled to his feet and tried to search for his weapon, the main door burst open, and Sam, Clover and Daphne leapt into the room.

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