Dawson's Triumph

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As soon as Sam and Daphne arrived back at Mali-U, they quickly joined Clover in Trent's room to search for clues, before any of the other students would realise what had happened

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As soon as Sam and Daphne arrived back at Mali-U, they quickly joined Clover in Trent's room to search for clues, before any of the other students would realise what had happened.

"It all happened so fast," said Clover as she finished explaining what had happened. "This guy pulled a real fast one, snatching Alex and the others in just a matter of seconds. He can't have been working alone to have been able to spirit away all of them."

"This grenade he threw in must have helped," said Sam as she finished scanning the object with the scanner watch. "According to these residual scans, this little bomb contained knockout gas as well as smoke."

"So he knocked them all out, jumped in with his accomplices, and kidnapped the three of them before Clover could get in," added Daphne. "So what do we do now? Those creeps could have taken them anywhere!"

"Well, if Alex is still wearing her Friendship Ring Zirconium Tracker, we should be able to track them to Dawson's new lair," said Sam as she opened her compowder and set it to scan for Alex's tracker ring. "Got it! They're at a penthouse apartment in the centre of L.A."

"Nice work, Sammy!" said Clover elatedly. "I'll just quickly call Jerry and get him to send a WOOHP team to clear this place up, before any students get suspicious."

"And then we can go and rescue Alex," said Daphne. "I just hope we get there in time!"


With a groan, Alex woke up to find herself bound hand and foot to a chair, in the living room of a fancy-looking penthouse apartment. As she took in her surroundings, she saw an unconscious Trent tied to another chair, while standing in the centre of the room was Dash Dawson, who was gleefully holding the genie lamp in his hand, watched by two men sitting on a comfy sofa. One was a rather scruffy man with a thick moustache, while the other wore a velvet jacket and frilly shirt, that made him look like he just came from the seventies.

"Well there you are, dear cousin," said the man in the velvet jacket with a pleased grin. "One magic lamp as promised."

"It's seems even more beautiful than the first time I held it," breathed Dawson. "And you say the genie is in there, Caron?"

"Of course," replied Caron. "When my associates and I burst into the Dorm, we had quickly knocked out the students here, and when I grabbed the lamp from the boy, his young lady companion turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into the lamp."

Caron turned to his companion on the sofa. "And what about you, Bellet? You and Dash here seem pretty sure those other two girls are finished, but you didn't actually see them fall into that acid. Can you be sure they're gone for good?"

"Oui, Caron," said Bellet confidently. "And even if they did manage to escape, they can't track us now!"

Realising that they were talking about Sam and Daphne, Alex lost her cool. "You creeps! What have you done with my friends?"

The three baddies turned to look at Alex, only just now realising that she was awake.

'Ah, hello there," leered Dawson. "Had a good nap? I wouldn't bother worrying about your friends now. If I were you, I'd be more concerned about the fact that I hold the key to absolute power in my hands!"

"Excusez-moi, monsieur Dawson," spoke up Bellet. "But have you actually decided what your three wishes are going to be?"

Dawson's expression took on a more uncertain look. After all this effort, he had not thought of what he wanted to wish for at all.

"I, uh, I'm not sure. How about all the wealth in the world?"

"Are you mad, cousin?" scoffed Caron. "You would not only cause the economy to collapse, you'd also make yourself a target for both sides of the law!"

Dawson scratched his head, trying to think of a good wish. "Okay then, how about... becoming ruler of the world?"

"Pah! Being absolute ruler is no fun," retorted Caron. "Too much paperwork, and not enough time for play."

Now Dawson was getting annoyed. "All right, how about... How about..."

As his words trailed off, he collapsed in a chair dejectedly. "Gah, it's no use! Three wishes is just not enough to get everything I want!"

Alex giggled a little at this. "Hah! Too bad you don't actually have the genie's powers for yourself. Then you can grant yourself as many wishes as you like."

Dawson's eyes lit up. "Say, why not? If I had the genie's powers, then I'd be the most powerful man in the world! I could even become a god!"

Alex's face fell as she realised what she had said. "Now wait a minute, I didn't mean..."

"Too late, missy! You've just given me the means to rule the world!" laughed Dawson, with a manical glint in his eye.

"You really do not want to do that, believe me!" Alex tried to warn him.

Carson and Bellet did not like the sound of all this either. "Um, cousin, I don't think this is an awfully good idea..." started Carson.

"Oh be quiet all of you and let me make up my own mind!" snapped Dawson, as he rubbed the lamp eagerly. A few seconds later, Jenny emerged from the lamp, taking physical form in the centre of the room, whereupon she dashed over to the unconscious Trent.

"Trent! Please wake up!" she said in concern, trying to shake Trent back to consciousness.

"Don't concern yourself, my servant," sneered Dawson. "He'll wake up in good time. And if you want him to keep breathing, you had better follow my commands."

With a furious expression, Jenny turned to face Dawson and realised with horror what he was holding. "You have the lamp."

"That's right, so now I am your new master. You must obey my orders. And since your boyfriend is currently unconscious, I shall make his next wish for him!"

"Jenny, don't do what he says!" cried out Alex.

Jenny's voice was full of turmoil. "I have no choice. The spells of the lamp are absolute. I must obey whoever wields it."

"That's right," said Dawson. "So now, for my first and only wish, I want you to give me all your power to me!"

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