Losing A Fight...

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~~~~~~Lemon's God POV~~~~~~~

Lucid didn't say or do anything, he just... walked away. His back facing me

I clutched my fist, "Did you not hear me?!"

He stopped, but kept his back toward me, "|'| 0"

"What do you mean by that?! They aren't your's!" I yelled out, frustrated with his response, "You don't care about family is torn apart?"

"@nd y0u d0n'+ (@re @b0u+ 0+h€r's |0√€ |if€?"

"What do you mean by that?" I snapped

"+H€ ⌓⌓0r+@|, ¶0nk"

"Alright" I clapped my hands, "Leave my love out of this, and he does love me, he would never leave me, his only love life is with me"

Lucid tilted his head, "...|-"

Then he stopped himself

"Exactly, Ponk belongs to me" I scoffed

Before I can say anything else, I felt a pair of legs hit me in my gut. I stumbled backward a bit, and saw the God making a recovery with his magic. His blue ocean eye's glaring at me with hatred as he stood in battle position

"Heh, a God can't die that easily" He chuckled

"I wasn't expecting you to die, I was expecting you to be in painful coma" I snapped

Just then he got teleported away

"Aw I never knew Lucid was a mother to the God's" I giggled

"@ b€++€r ¶@r€n+ f;gur€, +h@n y0u"

"What the heck did you just say?!" I snapped, "I took damn well of my children! You weren't even there for XD's children/brother's! You didn't even want them"

"W€|| | d0 n0w"

"Pfft- Yeah right, do they even know that you tried to kill them when they were still babies?" I smirked

Lucid clenched his fist's, "W-w€ d0n'+ +@|k @b0u+ +h@t"

"Afraid they'll find out? Afraid that you tried to kill them countless times without XD noticing? The only God's that know are me and Nightmare, it'll be a shame for them to find out"

Lucid... Took a step back

"Tubbo, Karl, Drista, Dream, Foolish, the God's you tried to kill, your own bloodline" I chuckled, "How would you think your brother would react? You and Nightmare kept that secret for who knows how long, are you even sure you really care for them?"

"$+0¶...$+0¶...$+0¶!" Lucid cried out

"I just simply want my kids back..." I spoke

Lucid lifted his right hand up and snapped his fingers. I sigh and teleported myself behind Luicd. The place I originally stood, was now covered in sword's.

"You played that card too much times" I sigh pulling out my sword from thin air and tried to stab Lucid.

Lucid quickly drew his sword and blocked my attack, "$+0¶..."

"I'll stop once you give up or hand my kid's over" I growled

Luicd didn't say anything, but kicked me away. Luicd transformerd his sword to a bow and fired at me.

I sigh as I doged the dozen of arrows, "Luicd we're both powerful God's and none of this will tire us out"


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