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| (A/N) QUICK AUTHORS NOTE! SLIGHT mention of abuse- ALSO Instead if author call me Mushroom<3 Anyways I will try to update alot! Please enjoy<3 |

Things to know :

Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

H/C = Hair Color

E/C = Eye Color



You ran down the halls in school. Yelling was heard behind you. You ran into something causing you to fall down. You groaned and held your head in pain.

You looked up to see an angry teacher looming over you. You let out an annoyed sigh as the teacher took your arm and led you to the office. The principal rested his arms on the desk, seemingly angry.

,,Young (Y/N) (L/N). What are you doing out of class.'' You crossed your arms looking at a wall. ,,We found (Y/N) running through the halls. Like a juvenile.'' The teacher spoke with venom lacing their tone. ,,It wasn't just me though! Those kids were chasing me!'' You retorted trying to explain the situation. The principal banged one of his hands on the table then rubbed his eyes annoyed. ,,(Y/N) Enough. I've had enough of this behavior. We will be contacting your pare-'' ,,This is unfair!'' You interrupted stomping your foot. ,,(Y/N) I said ENOUGH. We will be contacting your parents to send you to an after school juvenile detention camp. Maybe it might straighten out this behavior of yours.'' The teacher says signaling the teacher to take you out of the room and wait in the lobby.

Your parents walk past you without even giving a glance. They go in and talk to the principal. You attempt to listen through the door. You only heard small mumbles. Stupid door. You lean back in your chair. They didn't even let me explain! You think to yourself.

10 Minutes Earlier . . .

You grabbed your books from your locker giggling while talking to your friend Trinity. She had red curly hair, pale skin with light brown freckles. You both made nerdy comments towards each other. ,,Come on Trinity we'll be late for class-'' You said in between fits of laughter as your friend walked upside down making weird faces.

,,Yo nerd come on we're going to be late!'' You said between fits of laughter. She laughed and tilted over ,,Fine.... TIIIMBEEEERRRRR!!'' She yelled. A loud bash was heard. You closed your eyes, flinching backwards. You looked up to see some dude yelling at Trinity. Her glasses were cracked and she was on the verge of tears. You grit your teeth making your way over shoving him off of her. ,,Hey dude back the fuck off!!'' His body hit the lockers as he looked up at you pissed. His angry expression turned into a smug look. Oh look! The fag trying to stand up for the freak!!'' You shook by his statement and stepped back a step. ,,Hey sh-shut up..!'' Your friend Trinity tried to stand up for you but he took advantage of that by elbowing her in the face.

You turned red with anger and grabbed him by the shirt then threw him into the floor. Everyone began to chant ,,Fight.'' This only encouraged him. He stood up and tried throwing hands. You ran from the situation.

You bumped into someone-

You snapped out of thought seeing your parents come out of the room holding papers. Your mother was signing papers as your dad was on the phone.

,,(Y/N) Get to the car.'' Your mom said in a monotone voice. You sighed and went to the car. You played with the window.

Around 10 minutes later your parents finally came out and drove us all home. You got out. Your parents surprisingly didn't chew you out. They let you go to your room and didn't call for you at all to do any chores. Tf is going on- You decided to call Trinity to see if she was alright. She asked you if you were hurt or if your parents did anything etc. You calmed her down. After she had to go since she did gymnastics you laid on your bed. First time in 2 weeks.

You decided to go outside after a few minutes of laying down to go see Patches. You found her in the old abandoned dog house. You bonded for a few weeks since you couldn't go home. You got up and told them you're going out. They ignored you. You then left through the door.

You found Patches in the dog house. You smiled and played with her for hours. She cuddled into you. You then took her home. Your parents didn't say anything while ignoring you. You didn't feel that hungry so you went upstairs to your room.

Your siblings greeted you.. Nicely. You greeted back cautiously ,,Hey.. Who sang believer again..?'' You asked, still not convinced. ,,Uhm Imagine dragons right?'' You looked at them wide eyed. You smirked. ,,IMAGINE DRAGON DEEZ NUTS ON YO FACE.'' You laughed... They walked away. They didn't yell at you at all? Weird. You went into your room to see your bed papers. You curiously pick them up.

Camp papers.. It needs your signature.. They want to get rid of you.. To this camp for months.. Years.. Who knows how long!? You see a duffle bag on your closet door handle.. I knew it. You went through the bag seeing they packed you.. Ew clothing..-- ,,Believe in yourself..-? Ew.'' You see reading off weird quotes off your shirts throwing them aside and packing your clothing style instead. If you were gonna leave you might as well have stuff you want.

You signed those papers and groaned. At least it's better then the dog house...-

,,Ugh... Patches.. What am I gonna do...'' You mumble as your cat cuddles into you as you lay on your bed. Your cat looks out the window towards your home-made tree house. You smile. ,,You're a genius Patches!!'' You put her in your bag gently. She just curled up in the bag and purred. You grabbed a backpack packing it with loads of cat food. Cans, treats, dry cat food. You name it. You then made your way downstairs. Everyone seemed to be busy or not paying attention. You booked it. You heard yelling from someone behind you. ,,GET BACK HERE.'' But you kept running. Eventually the yelling faded. Your side hurts. You touched it but it sent a pain. Right. Bruises. You were about to enter the tree house until you saw it. A cabin in the distance. It looked all destroyed. You wanted to go near it.

You heard the yelling grow louder again. You panicked and ran to it. The yelling was close. You saw a door. It had an eye on it. Omanis. You heard the yelling grow louder. You took a shirt similar to the one you wore and threw it as far as you could out the shack window then making your way inside the door quickly.

You painted, catching your breath. Finally safe.. You checked the bag to see it Patches was alright. She was still asleep. How tf-?! Then you realize it. You looked around. You where in a house. It was nighttime..- You heard talking. You aren't in the human world anymore.

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