~Chapter 2~

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|| A/N : HAI MY READERS!! Here's Chapter 2!! Thank you so much for over 200+ reads!!!! Like-- Wow!!! Tysm!!! I made a play list I think you will enjoy so I'll set the link here!! Enjoy!!~🍄||



You woke. You looked around expecting to see your room only to be surprised that you were not. You remembered the fight, the door, Eda, King.. Ect. You took a moment just staring at a wall trying to take in everything. You flopped back down on your sleeping bag. You flung a pillow on your face and let out a groan. You tossed the pillow aside seeing Patches sleeping peacefully next to your head. It's been a rough couple days.

To be fair it's not like you could go home anyways. You can't help to think about Trinity. You checked you phone seeing messages from Trinity. Your Bestfriend you wish you could talk to. You missed her. She always knew when something was wrong. She shared your humor.. Everything. You sadly couldn't do much since you had no reception. All you had was the music you downloaded, your camera, and some offline games that kept your boredom at bay.

Your thoughts where soon interrupted by Luz squealing running up to see you. ,,(Y/N)!!! (Y/N)!!'' The hyper girl said now shaking you by your shoulders. Patches had jumped to a close by box. If you didn't know better you would have thought Patches thought this was funny-- ,,EDA SAID YOU CAN ENROOLL!!!'' She said pratically booming with excitement. She had been so happy to see another human in this realm. She had someone to understand the human references she made. You on the other hand were nervous and slightly nauseous from her sharking you rapidly.

,,Enroll where-??'' You asked as she finally let go as you flopped back onto your pillow. Patches just groomed herself enjoying the sight of Luz tossing you around excitedly. ,,Hexside!! Eda said if your good and well trained you can go with me!!'' Luz was packing her bag for tomorrow. It was Sunday I believe-? So school was tomorrow. Wait- Well trained-? Tf does she mean by that-? Ah whatever. ,,Oh-! Cool! Soo... How do I enroll in classes again..-?'' You asked sitting up. Luz had explained this yesterday- But you where trying to understand your predicament you had forgotten.

,,Well- The principal will talk to you and stuff and ask you which classes then you choose!!'' Luz was not the best at explaining thing- But she tried at least- ,,Buuut- You at least need to know 2 spells to not be in the.. Baby Classes.'' She said dramitcally. You deadpanned- 2 spells!? But you go tomorrow! How do you learn 2 spells in just a day!? ,,But don't worry! I can teach you every spell I know so far!'' Luz continued showing off her glyphs. You perked up. Maybe it won't be toooo bad.


20 Minutes Later.


It is that bad. You had lighten a tree on fire- But hey- At least you knew the spells- Luz managed to put it out. Both of you flopped on the floor. You both let out a tired laugh. Finally- You both headed back. Luz ran ahead just a bit as you picked up one of your unused light glyphs. You keep feeling like someone had been watching you. You didn't mind it. You brushed it off and ran to catch up with Luz. You both headed in. Hooty greeted you both. You high fived his face forgetting he did not hands-- Eda was on the couch with King and Patches. King was trying to teach Patches how to rip the throats of her enemies. Patches tried her best tossing a ripped stuffed crocodile with wings off the couch. King cheered ,,Yes Patches!!! Good girl!! We did it Frensua!! She is ready for war!!!!'' You chuckled to yourself.

Patches jumped off the couch making her way to your leg. She rubbed against you leg purring. You pet her before picking her up. She snuggled in your arms causing your heart to melt. Luz stayed downstairs telling Eda what you and Luz acomplished. You walked up with Patches. You set her down on the small box you planned on decorating to make her cat bed.

You grabbed a small first aid kit from your bag. You grabbed some alcohol whipes and a few baid-aids. You only had a few minor scratches but even then you didn't want them to get infected. You cleaned them up with the whiped before securing them with the baind-aids. You flopped back on your sleeping bag. You checked your phone. 22 missed calls. 43 missed texts. You checked. All from Trinity.

You sighed and checked your voicemail box. ,,Hey (Y/N)! You weren't at school so I wanted to check up on you! Hope your alright! Miss you already! Byeee!!'' ,,(Y/N) I passed my try-outs for the play!! I got Juliet! I hope you can make it!! I miss you (Y/N)! I hope your doing alright!'' ,,Yo (Y/N)! I was wondering if we should have a sleepover this weekend! It'll be fun! We can stay at my place and make pillowforts! We can eat junk food and drink what we want! I got some coca-cola I just bought-!! But I'ma save it for when you come over so we can drink it together!'' ,,Hey.. Uh-- I need some advice (Y/N).- What if I get stage fright-? I just don't think I can do it..- But I'll try since you'll be there!!'' You sighed setting your phone down.

You held your knees to your chest. You won't make it home.. You missed her more than anyone at home.. You knew this play ment everything to her. She was nervous and counts on you. And you wanted to be there. But you won't. You teared up. Patches jumped in your lap comforting you in a way... It made you feel better that at least you have her.

Luz ran up happily seeing your sad sight. Luz felt a tug at her heart strings. ,,(Y/N)..? You alright.?'' She said sitting next to you. She peered down seeing the voicemails. Over 44 just from Trinity. She understood. She slung and arm over you pulling you into a hug. You hugged back feeling comfort within your new friend. You wish Trinity was here.. But at least now you have them.. Eda, King, Luz, even Hooty..! You smiled through your teary eyes. You still kept those tears in. Don't get me wrong you wanted to cry more than anything.. But you couldn't. You got so used to trying to be the strong one and holding back those hard feelings, setting them aside for someone else.

,,Thanks Luz..'' You said as you both broke the hug. She smiled ,,Anytime (Y/N).! It looked like you needed it.. Here maybe we can do something to get your mind off those bad thoughts!'' She says jumping to her feet doing a karate chop in the air beating those bad feels. You laughed and stood to your feet. ,,Alright!''




The guards on patrol all knew the news. The 3rd human to live in this realm. The news stirred around. Of couse a certain Golden Guard knew of you already. Belous had told him all he needs to know. Capture the 2 human. Bring them back. Wait for more orders. Nothing else to it. Just another misson. Yet this one felt different. He couldn't figure the reason why. But it was different. He would soon figure out why.

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