~Chapter 1~

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| Quick A/N from your auther Mushroom!! TY FOR 70 READS-- AHH! I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THE GENDER NEUTRAL Y/N! Anyways here is Chapter loves!! |

You looked around seeing a cold floor below you. Like those castles you see in movies. You tilted your head. ,,What the-'' A loud noise was heard behind you. Like a loud boom. You stepped back landing on the closed door. Out of panic you ran behind a pillar seeing two people. One in a mask and a girl your age.

,,Let my friends go or less!!'' A girl then was thrown your way in a battle with some old dude. You ran up seeing as she was in pain and kicked him in the face cracking his mask. ,,Another human.. Hmm.. I like your spirit.. Hahah.. Try that again and you'll regret it.'' You only stared at them confused. Why did you do that? Not sure. Should you have done that? No.- Stop contemplating-! The girl seemed surprised to see you. Another human?? What'd they mean?

He said something about the door to the ,Human Realm'. If that was the Human relm what ,Relm' is this? Ok now you're confused. The girl grabbed your arm leading you to a rising podium as she blew up what they said was the door.

You helped save this owl lady. This dwarf looking lady with red skin and blue hair and hair that looks like a hand. She was refusing to let the owl go. You grabbed a piece of paper with some symbol on it and pressed it. A fire grew from it. ,,Let her go or I'll shove this down your throat. And as a fucking dwarf that can't reach the tolite we don't want that!'' You said right behind her. ,,Ok ok!'' She drew a circle in the air letting go of the monster.

The girl then proceeded to take you and escape. Well not much of a take- You would have fought back but you were curious. So you let her. Before you know it you were then at a house with an owl on it. The girl had a bone dog thing as well- 

You were beyond confused. ,,I'm so sorry- I don't know your name- How did you get here- When did you get here?'' The girl spoke confused and excited to see another human. 

,,I uhm-? I'm (Y/N)-? I came through a door 20 minutes ago-'' You said. You were clueless of the situation you got yourself in. Once Luz had explained the situation, panic set in. Well- Internally- Externally you took it well. 

Eda then collapses. ,,Eda!!!'' Yelled Luz as she ran to her side quickly. You quickly followed. ,,Oh no...!! Eda... Quick we need an elixir!!'' Luz said in a panic worried. Lilith, as pained as Luz, maybe even more set her hand on Luz's shoulder. ,,No.. The elixir won't be strong enough human.'' 

Lilith put her forehead and Eda's together. She chanted a spell and before you knew it they were in the sky with a bright light shining brightly around them. Once the light had faded they appeared differently. Their eyes looked different.

A piece of Lilith's hair had turned gray as well. As soon as Eda stood Luz and King jumped her with affection--  You watched still internally processing. ,,Eda!! You're ok!! Can you still do magic?'' Eda then drew a circle in the air only for it to self-destruct. ,,I'll take that as a no-'' She said awkwardly. ,,This'll take a lot of getting used to-.'' Lilith who nodded felt the same. ,,I feel so as well.''  Luz only shot up with a smile. ,,It's ok!! I can teach you all the glyphs I know! We can learn together! Along with my new friend (Y/N)!'' 

,,(Y/N)?'' Asked Eda looking stumped then seeing another human behind Luz who was still processing everything. ,,How did they get here?'' Asked Eda, as she approached you. ,,Oh they came through the door before it went down! They helped me escape with you guys!'' Luz said, slinging her arm around your proudly showing you off.

,,Huh. I like your spunk kid. Seeing as your way home maybe a little wrecked you can stay with me. How's that?'' Luz's eyes lit up. ,,Really!! You mean it!?'' Luz was practically jumping up and down.

Eda nodded and smiled. Luz squealed happily as King latched to your legs. ,,As king of demons I demand you stay!!!... Please..-?'' You felt him pull at your heart strings. ,,I'll stay if that's ok-'' You said rubbing the back of your neck. Luz grabbed you and king taking you both upstairs passing a talking door- Or the owl the door- 

Luz managed to explain the basics of where we were at. The house, the door, King, Etc- She even said something about a school they had here. At first you didn't care for it seeing as it was probably as bad as it was at home. But once you heard of the magic and how cool it was. You seemed enchanted about it.

,,And then there is the girl..- Amity.- She's like the coolest! You have to meet her! She's like so cool and kind and all sorts of amazing-!!'' Luz went on but you couldn't blame her. This Amity sounds cool- With the way Luz is talking you'd be foolish to say she wasn't down bad-

,,Maybe Eda might enroll you too! We can be school buddies! I can teach you all about glyphs and magic- You can even have a cape!!'' ,,CAPE RULES!'' King says wearing a tissue cape with big red letters that spelt out King. 

You both laughed as you three got settled in. Wait! Your cat! You checked your bag as Patches popped her head out. ,,Patches! Your ok..!'' You pet your cat happily. Your safe. Your both safe. ,,Weh! A ,cat'? Like those videos Luz showed me! Look Fransua! A new member to out army!!'' You and Luz laughed as King happily got along with your cute kitty companion.

Somewhere in the emperor's coven a certain bird masked emperor was having a conversation with someone. ,,Find those human..- Humans. And bring them both to me.'' He ordered. A few guards and a certain golden guard just so happened to take on the mission to please him. He then set off.

Eda had been listening in on the conversation you and Luz had and decided maybe Hexside might be a good decision for you. And then right then and there she left to enrolled you. 

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