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"Hiyah!" Link exclaimed as he sent yet another dummy flying, now clad in knights' armor.

"I got it!" Revali pulled back the Great Eagle Bow's strings to send three bomb arrows flying into the dummy.

Both young men exclaimed in satisfaction as the inanimate object exploded as a result of their combined efforts.

"Perfect!" Revali declared, spinning his bow and flipping his braids.

"Take that, Bokoblin!" Link added victoriously, brushing his hand through his hair as he put his sword back into its scabbard. "Should we reset it for another go?"

"Hah! Finally something we both agree on!" Revali landed next to Link after tossing the dummy's remains into a now-full basin. However, his head snapped up before he or Link could move any further. "Wait. Something's coming in, fast and furious."

"Hmm?" Link asked before the main doors swung open and crashed into the walls.

"Link!" A furious, familiar, feminine voice bellowed from the doors.

The two young men turned around to find the fuming, four-months-pregnant Princess Zelda standing in the doorway. "Uh-oh, there's your Divine Beast. Good luck." Revali flew off into the arena's airspace.

Zelda gripped Link's collar and pulled him close to her face. "Talk me down!"

Link stammered, confused and freaked out.

"Talk me down, Link, talk me down!" She repeated loudly.

Revali flapped above their heads. "Well, boy, aren't you gonna talk her down?"

"Okay, uh, what happened, honey?"

"My father had the audacity to summon me from having civil discussion with Khosha and the others for the sole purpose of once again berating me over my pregnancy and saying that everything is my fault and that it's my fault that you and Revali had to come down here to let out steam because we're married and told me that everything I brought before him was an excuse and it's all my fault!"

"Oh, lovely," Revali butted in. "The King just had to voice his opinion."

"Zelda, do you need to blow something up with us? I'm not sure how to talk you down."

"No!" Zelda sounded disgusted. "That would be horrible for the baby! I need you to talk me down!"

"Hey. Princess." Revali began as he landed next to the couple. "Your hubby here doesn't know how to talk you down. Let's find somebody else who can before you break something."

Link gripped her hands and nodded, kissing her forehead.

A troop of knights, dressed in formal attire, came through the main doors and unsheathed their weapons.

Zelda huffed and tried to approach them, but Link gripped her upper arm and pulled her back, placing his other arm upon her stomach.

"Both of you stand down." Link ordered his party. "Revali. Hold Zelda for me please." He passed his wife to Revali, who held her in place as he approached the guards.

"State your business."

The knights blinked at Link several times before remembering who he was. "Y-Your Highness... His Majesty ordered us down. Ordered us to find the Princess."

"My wife is right there. She's fine, but she is quite upset. Please allow me to soothe her." He took a deep breath, then did his best to issue an order that imitated his wife's authority. "Return to the pavilions. Report that to His Majesty, please."

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