Nate is a Hot Little Piece

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"You guys are going to have to roll me back to the car," Kaelin proclaimed, as she stuffed another piece of salami into her mouth. "I'm going to vaguely resemble a human-sized bowling ball after this."

Jonah groaned in agreement from his spot on Cady's lap, the food coma making him even more non-responsive than usual. We'd made a valiant effort to get through the feast I'd provided, but there were still a few remnants remaining that I was sure Liv, Austin, Alec and Harry would enjoy when I brought it home.

"If anyone pokes me, I think I might burst. You could witness spontaneous combustion in real time," said Chance, staring mournfully at a cupcake that he clearly did not have the fortitude to fit into his already loaded stomach.

Cady poked him in the ribs.

"Ouch!" Chance cried out.

Cady looked at him with a deadpan expression, noting his still-whole form. "Why is it that you must disappoint me in this way?"

Chance looked contrite.

My stomach was stretched and full, which made me feel a little bit like Jonah, lazy and content. Knight was running his hands absently through the ends of my hair because, like Jonah, I'd forced someone to be my pillow, and Knight was the closest.

Besides, being able to hide my face in Knight's leg meant I didn't have to see Jace flirting with Callie on the other side of the picnic rug. Because, you know, poor Callie. And my outrage on the behalf of McKenna, who Jace really should get back together with if he had any taste.

I could hear her laughing as Jace spun her an elaborate story. I mean, Jace was newly my friend and all, but everyone needed to stop acting like he was funny. I suppose he did have a somewhat quick wit and a semi-confident grasp of comedic timing, but really, Callie's head-thrown-back heaves of laughter were a drastic overzealous reaction to his abilities.

My eyes fluttered partially closed as the combination of heat, excessive overeating and the comforting sound of my friends' voices and the trees rustling overhead. Cady drawing a revenge penis on the sleeping Alex's left cheek while Daria tried to stir Jonah for some cheery conversation; Chance was chatting away to Knight, discovering their mutual love for Gossip Girl.

It was evident that Chance was still trying to figure out the mystery of Cole Knight—why he had to make a stealthy getaway from my house with a boy bundled in the backseat. Thankfully, Gossip Girl was of more interest to him than the mysteries of real life.

"Okay, see, Blair makes the show," Knight insisted. "Serena is fine and all, but let's be honest, she's kind of the Elena Gilbert of the show; she's just there as a conduit for drama. Blair is the reason you keep watching though."

"But Serena is a fashion icon. Don't get be wrong, I love Blair, but Serena is still important and worthy of more appreciation."

Knight scoffed. "Next thing you'll say is that Nate is as important as Chuck."

Chance raised an eyebrow. "Cole, I am deeply homosexual. Nate is practically the reason I started watching."

"Oh, well that's fair," Knight acquiesced. "Nate is a hot little piece."

"Why does everyone keep forgetting I'm into dudes?" said Chance, looking skyward. "Is this why I never get a date?"

"Probably," I added sleepily. "You're the least gay gay guy I know."

"What, should I just wear flamboyant eyeliner and dye my hair rainbow?" Chance asked, throwing his hands in the air. "Wear elaborate Mardi Gras outfits to school?"

"Yes," said Knight. "Please do."

I smiled slowly and listened to the ebb of flow of their conversation. It was the most animated I'd seen Knight in a while. It couldn't be easy for such an intensely extroverted person to have no one but Austin and I to talk to—and Jace, whenever he was around. I got the feeling that since his rather dramatic exit from high society, he hadn't spoken to his old friends all that much. I hadn't pressed the issue.

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