I Was a Regular Darth Vader

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The first thing that I noticed was the sunlight streaming through the crack in the curtains; blinding and hot. The second thing was that it was not just the sunlight keeping me warm; there was an arm wrapped securely around my waist, tight and reassuring. The third thing I noticed was that a small smile had curved my lips before I'd given it permission to do so; sweet and unbidden. The last thing I noticed, as my eyes fluttered open and consciousness solidified my surroundings, was Jonah and Cady standing in the doorway, staring and silent, as if rendered immobile, stone creatures by shock.

Cady's mouth had fallen open. She hadn't noticed my half-opened eyes yet, and I peaked through the safety of my dark lashes. Familiar panic rose up in me. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. While I might've been ready to admit what I wanted to Hartley, I didn't know that I was ready to let the rest of my friends know about the betrayal of my mind, who just had to be obsessed with Jace Hartley of all people, and my traitorous lust that somehow made me want to kiss him senseless. So I kept my face relaxed, my muscles limp, and my breathing even.

"Is that Lena?" Cady hissed. "With Jace?"

"Good on him," came Jonah's reply. "Bloke bloody needs it, after all this time." I heard him snort a laugh. "Oh, my god. He's going to be so insufferable after this. We'll literally need to tie his head with a rope, Cades, to keep it from going off into the clouds."

"Lena...." Cady said slowly. "And Jace. Am I seeing things? I think I'm seeing things."

"I'm seeing our opportunity for an uninterrupted nap dashed," said Jonah mournfully. "True love sucks. No one told me it could compromise my sleep schedule."

"Oh, shut up and be happy for them," Cady said, rolling her eyes. I thought I heard her poke him, and Jonah's answering squeak of protest. "Unless you still like her."

"Ugh, you know I don't. You're the worst."

I heard Jace stir slightly beside me; a small groan that I felt in every part of my body, reverberating through me. His arm tightened around my waist, and despite knowing that Cady and Jonah were right there, it sent something warm through me.

"Daria would straight up die if she saw this," said Jonah. "Should we take a photo?"

"I mean, they're fully clothed. I say we just bring everyone in."

"Don't," came Jace's voice, rough from sleep. It almost made me jump, but I managed to maintain my relaxed façade. Jace was awake? If Jace was awake, why was his arm still wrapped around me? But I was awake, and I was letting him.

I peaked at Cady, noting her jump at the sound of Jace's voice. "Shit, Jace," she said. "What is this?"

I thought I felt Jace shrug. I strengthened my resolve and remained still and silent. I kind of wanted to hear Jace's answer. "I have no idea," was all he said.

"That's Lena," said Jonah, who had clearly learned about basic observation and for some reason felt the need to share this newfound ability for stating the obvious with us all.

"Thanks, Jonah, very astute," said Cady. She was voicing my internal monologue, which I was grateful for. As it turned out, the harder part about pretending to be asleep was resisting the urge for quippy commentary.

"No, but... are you guys like, hooking up now?" Jonah's voice was hushed, trying not to wake me.

I felt the movement as Jace ran a hand through his hair. "I mean, yes? Kind of? There's no point hiding it exactly, since you walked in. We have, but I'm not sure that it is, like, an intentional and ongoing thing. It just... happened."

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