Part 2

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Hunter mumbled as he woke up from the sound of the door opening. Rascal flew behind him..He quickly bolted up looking around before stopping and looking at Luz "what- what are you doing in here-" he looks around and remember where he was. He glared back at her but also pulled the blanket closer to himself. Luz chuckled nervously "heyyyyy...calm down...I just came to check on you.. umm Eda said if you want you can go and help her with your ankle straighten up..." Luz shrugged and looks at him nervously

Hunter looks at her and rubbed the back of his neck. I mean it wouldn't much.. "yeah...ok..." he slowly got up limping a bit "oh here! I'll put this on for you..." she put a cloak on for him then helped him to eda "he said he wanted to go! Im going to head to amity's place!" She looks at hunter and pats his back making him flinch "have fun!" She ran off with a smile. Hunter looks at Eda who gave him a sweet smile "alright kid! Time to get going this won't take to long just need to grab a few things..." she ruffled his hair before starting to walk hunter followed close behind...

When they got to the market she looks around and frowned "there...umm seems to be a lot of guards..." she glanced at hunter who looked...frightened..."alright kiddo...stay close..." hunter did the entire time she talked and scammed shop owners he was learning a lot honestly...and she made sure he was calm the whole time...

That was until hunter accident bumped into one of the guards making them push him down...his cloak falling off "well well well look who I found boss will be so happy! Hehehe" hunter scrambled back but was grabbed by another guard "w-w-wait you-" he wasn't able to finish before they were hit with someone's magic "get back kid I'll deal with them..." hunter scrambled back holding his leg as it felt worse again...

He yelped when he was picked up and put on a staff oh...thank goodness it was Eda "alright! Time to go bud!" She smiles, and they took off.

When they got back he was immediately put back into bed "alright last time I take you anywhere..." she chuckled she looks at him and she sighed seeing how he was visible trembling...he wasn't hurt luckily...she sat next to him and puts an arm around him "your one quit kid...why don't we get to know each other...I'll tell you about me...and you can rant about yourself!" She pinched his nose making him chuckle a bit and leaned next to her hugging his knees "yeah...ok..." he relaxed a little....he was safe....


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