Part 8

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Hunter had been working with Eda to pickpocket and scam and hunter was very good at it. Eda and him would always celebrate by getting food or Eda would get him something nice...the bird lady only wanted to see him happy and have him live a good life he deserved...she wanted him to forget about his past. And Eda thought it would be a good idea to get him to be even closer to her as fast as she could before belos got to him...Eda is going to adopt hunter! Hunter will soon become hunter clawthorne.

Eda went to turn to the kid and her eyes widened when he wasn't there "Umm hunter?" She looks around remembering just a second ago he was rambling about something..."EDAAA!!" Eda flinched and looks at where the yelling came from. She looks over seeing hunter being dragged away by Kikimora and some covin scouts. Before she could get to them they disappeared. Edas anger in raged and she slowly transforms into her supper form "GIVE ME BACK MY SON!!!"

——with hunter——

Hunter flinched when he was pushed into a familiar was dark except fore some lights lit by flames...hunter felt his body quiver in fear as a hand grabs his shoulders with a tight squeeze...blood dripped from his arm as he cried in a bit of pain doing his best to hold in any noise "how DARE YOU, I gave you a home BOY....I had to replace you...I only want you now because I have a special little prison for you..." hunter looks at him and tries to get away. He was kicked in the face and thrown around before he was thrown into a small dark room..." Hunter screams and yelled and begged to be let his uncle laughs at him..." me please...." he soon passes out...


Eda has prepared everyone and grabs everything even hooty wanted to come...Edric wasn't taking no as an answer same with Luz and amity...Eda nods as they grabs everything they needed Edric used rascal. He was the only person rascal allowed to touch him...Luz and amity took amity's pslismon obviously. Eda knew exactly where to go and what route to take...Luz and amity volunteered to take care of Kikimora and some scouts while Eda and Edric took care of the emperor...

They stood at the doors...before slowly going in...

(TWO IN ONE DAY HELL YAH am I supposed to go to sleep because tomorrow I have to wake up at 6 😳 maybe but I mean- the fanfic kinda be getting good 👀)

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