Part 9

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Eda kicked open the door with her big talons, looking around before she glared directly at emperor belos "Eda the owl lady...and mr. Edric blight what brings you hear..." he sounded annoyed. Eda stopped her claws making him back away "where is he belos I'm not gonna ask twice..." belos puts his hands behind his back "hunter?...he's...somewhere...wha-" he made a loud pain filled noise when Eda flew up and pinned him down by the face with her claws "WHERE IS MY KID BELOS" a liquid like arm punched Eda off and the fight between the two starts. Eda claws and hits at the other as belos slashes and claws as well "come on oh great emperor I thought you could defeat someone as week and powerless as me!!" She chuckled as she bashed forward and pulled belos into the air and let him fall landing back down near the broken man "where is he belos...last time before I rip this place apart myself..." belos slowly pointing to the wall...

Edric went over seeing the wall has a small crack...Edric slowly pulls it open. And there he a small dark room laid hunter curled up on the floor passed out he was a little bruised he also seemed to have been punching a wall... Edric slid over to him pulling him close "hunter...wake's time to go home..." there was a small mumble before hunter slowly buried his face on Edrics shoulder "y-you came...." edric ran his hands through his hair "of course as fast as we could...your going to be ok..." rascal few close to hunter every touch made hunter flinch...Edric puts his hand on his cheek and kissed his head "alright it's time t-" he flinched when Eda hugged hunter "oh hunter!!! I'm so glad your ok....we need to get you home fix you up! I'll get you your favorite snacks and stuff and y-you can relax a-and-" hunter pulls eda into a tight hug "I wanna go home..." hunter had crumbled once again and started to cry it broke both of them to hear hunter felt like a billion needles hit there heart... "ok buddy...let's get home..." she picks him up and let him lean close to her "Edric...take him to the owl house...i have to deal with mr.bossy..." Edric nods grabbing rascal and sitting on it hunter sat behind Edric and he wrapped his arms around him tightly leaning his head into his shoulder... they took off home

" deal with the trash..." she grabs belos by the neck and pulled him up


Edric did as he should took him home...when they got there hunter lays on the couch passing out immediately...Edric fixed him up running a hand through his hair after "your ok escaped..." he kissed his head and went to lay next to him...

(Should this be the end or should I ask you guys to continue if you have any ideas you can definitely tell :) )

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