Part 3

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Eda grumbled at the sudden loud bang. It was close and was followed by other noices...she soon realize she didn't feel Hunter next to her...she sat up and looks around before seeing him curled up hugging his knees in the Corner...when he saw I was a wake he let out a sob and a flood of apology's which Eda Quickly went to shut him up "hey it's ok....kid your ok.." she did her best to calm him it worked...

She sighed running his hands through his hair "your alright..." she smiles. She helped him up and back into bed " go back to sleep..." he nods and curled up rascal crawled up next to him. She sighed and went to go get stuff ready in the morning. When it was morning he sat up and yawns, he made his way downstairs and looks around seeing that Eda was at the door with amity and Luz "we could have came by myself..." amity mumbled "well mittens amira said there was a lot of guards and she wanted me to make sure you got here safe..."

Eda chuckled and looks over at hunter, then an idea pings in her head "edric! You seem like a lonely kid!" She smiles "well ac-" he was interrupted "can you maybe go and hang with hunter! Hunter meet edric blight! Edric hunter!" She pushed them making Edric yelp and put his hands on the shorter boy's shoulder hunter looks up at him and there face went red "hunter?" He backs up "yeah we can hang out!" He smirked and hunter looks away "Eda...I think I am fine...I do stuff al-" Eda pats his back "yep you're lonely and I just got you a new friend!" Hunter glared at her and looks over at amity and Luz who was giggling and snickering.

Hunter got frustrated and backs up "I-I'm going upstairs..." he mumbled and left up the stairs...he went upstairs. Edric looks at Eda who sighed "do you mind checking on him kid...I need to stack up on cash..." she smiles a bit before walking out amity and Luz look at him and smiles "you are crushing hard" amity teased "I'm telling amira!" She ran upstairs with Luz both giggling

Edric rolls his eyes and blushes a bit before going upstairs and into what he was guessing hunters room..."hey in here..." he looks around seeing it was a bit dark the only light was the ones pecking through the window. Hunter was sitting on the bed talking to rascal...he smiles softly he looked calmer and more peaceful..the door squeaks and he grabs the bird he stopped realizing that he didn't need to hide it anymore...he puts it back down and looks at Edric "what...don't you have better things to do blight boy..." Edric raises a brow "Blight boy? That's new" he chuckled and went to sit on the bed "why so sad don't you want to be my friend~" he smiles hunter blushes glad it was dark "sure....didn't think you would wanna hang with a loser..." Edric chuckled "loser? You seem pretty badass to me" he poked his scar making hunter flinch a little "I-I Umm...what do you wanna do then..." hunter smiles and they plan what to do...

(Sorry these are a bit short-)

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