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2017 California (I don't know when vendetta takes place since the movie came out in 2017 so will the story)
As A little Girl I would always think about the Woman I would grow up to be a doctor, dancer, teacher, singer. I never thought my life would turn out like this. I got hit by a car then kidnapped into being a science guinea pig to working for the most dangerous man in the world to meeting a rookie cop. Who would have thought this would be my life?
Its been fours years since everything happened with china tall oaks simmons and Leon. When leon gave me that money I moved out of the hotel and into a nice house in a nice neighborhood. Still had moeny left over so I put in their college savings. Then I had more left over so I use it for food bills field trip family vactions and my GED. I went back to school and got my GED. I'm just trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life. Two kids living off the government but in a special way since I did alot of good apparently. I quit as an mercenary right after Leon Left. Davina's 10 now and understands more. For awhile she thought her dad just up and left and that her and jessie don't share the same dad. I told Davina her dad works and I'm not lying. Leon sends them gifts for christmas and birthdays I asked him over the phone to do it but its not like he fought it he always buys the girls expensive gifts and multiple gifts some from "santa" when really him and as himself until recently.I do call Leon once in awhile to see how he's doing and about the kids. Its once a month one a year its a long call but one a month its not long he's always on a mission. The calls are either 3 to 5 minutes long while once a year we call for an hour. We haven't talk in months. He doesn't answer he either lets it ring or declines the call. For awhile I thought he died or got hurt but accordiing to hannigun after hacking her system and yelling at her she told me he went on a vacation. Leon didn't even think to tell me where he was usually he tells me where he is and call back. He's just avoiding me. After awhile I just stopped calling him and leaving messages about the kids its not like he wanted to be in there lives. Leon never really got a vacation that he deserves. Its not like were together or even in my life. Its just complicated. I love Leon I'll always do but him just to stop talking out of nowhere is weird to me. I don't really have anyone else to talk too. I just have the kids. I talk to Ada whenever but thats different we don't talk as much either. I don't have friends. I'm all Alone. Now that I'm here doing nothing but raising two kids on my own with no job. All I do is bring davina to school and spend my time with jessie cook clean shop then repeat. I guess I miss the life it was fun. But here I am alone.

Athena is watching tv and drinking wine at 12 in the afternoon while Jessie is taking a nap. Athena hears a knock on the door. Athena sighs and walks to her door opening it "Chris" Athena smiles. "Athena" Chris smiles. "come in bestie" Athena opens the door open wide to let him in. "thanks" Chris sits at her dining room table. "so what now" Athena asks. "how do you know" Chris asks. "everytime you come over its always something" Athena sits across from him. Chris opens up a laptop turning it to Athena. "whose this" Athena asks. "glenn arias he's a bioweapons dealer who has anger toward about government" Chris explains. "tea ok continue" Athena nods. "The us government ordered a drone strike on his wedding day killed everyone excluding him and since your smart" Chris continues on. "no" Athena yells. "Leon declined calls from us your our last chance" Chris expresses. "Can't find Leon either" Athena asks. "he's on vacation and I don't want to contact DSO" Chris reveals. "they won't tell me either" Athena sighs. "you and Leon" Chris starts to ask. "him and have a few minute call once a month one good one hour call once a year he buys gifts and presents to the kids on their birthdays and christmas except this year" Athena looks down. "finding him and killing him sounds fun after we take down glenn arias" Chris offers. "thanks but its just all complicated" Athena sighs. "I guess I'll call DSO get Leon's location" Chris stands up. Athena scoffs and rolls her eyes "can I yell at Leon if I come" Athena asks. "of course" Chris nods. "he missed davina's birthday and I had to pretend I was dad and send her a gift pretending to be leon" Athena explains. "thats confusing" Chris chuckles. "I almost died to go to the store to buy something last minute". "don't worry we'll jump him after were done" Chris offers. "thanks" Athena laughs.

Time skip
"Hey mom maggie invited me to a sleepover party can I go two week break is coming up" Davina asks. Athena sighs "fine I have to go soon anyway" Athena mops the floor. "di I have to invite Jessie" davina rolls her eyes. "No Jessie's going with her nanny go pack your stuff" Athena keeps on mopping till her phone rings. Davina walks to her room. "hey chris" Athena stops mopping. "Leon is in colorado".

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