You were always my hero

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Leon drives the motorcycle then takes out his gun and shoots at zombies in an hallway. Leon gets up. "leon Athena" chris sighs in relief. "we had to take the stairs" Leon says getting up as Athena follows Leon. "I hate you" Athena crosses her arms. "I'll make you pasta if that makes you feel better alright" Leon jokes. The elevator dings to reveal zombies.


Athena Leon and Chris all start shooting all over. Athena's covering Leon as much as she can but leon can handle himself.

Leon can flip tango pinn down twisting all over no wonder why Davina and Jessie can dance and do gymnastics easily damn what is Leon

Time skip
"let's split up Athena gow ith him I'm fine down here just go" Leon yells as Athen and Chris run. Athena turns back to See Leon can handle himself. Athena and Chris run around until they find a room. They shoot the guards then run in. Athena grabs a doctor and flips him over.

Still got it

"rebecca" Chris looks at Dying rebecca. "why are you in a dress" Athena asks before a giant monsters comes at them. Athena flips over as chris is getting beat up. Athena grabs a flame grenade and throws at the monster catching him on fire. "burn baby burn I want barbecue when this is over reminder" Athena points to chris. Chris grabs rebecca. Athena looks at her blue veins "she's dying" Athena whispers. Chris walks angrily to the doctor "Where teh vaccine" he shoots The floor.

Time skip
Athena is the first to wlak out of the elevator till she feels a tightness in her chest. Athena gasps. "Athena no" Chris Yells. Athena looks down to the beetle that once possessed her before thrown at her chest. Athena starts coughing hearing nothing but beeps. The beetle latches on top her as Athena screams in pain on the floor. "No" chris Yells as him and Arias are fighting. Athena's hair starts to turn her dark brown hair like it once was to a bright frosted blonde from nearly 10 year ago. Athena's skin starts to turn pale. "Leon" Athena is on her knees screaming into the sky until it all goes black on her.

Time skip
Athena wakes up. "Like what I've done" A huge monster laughs holding chris squeezing him. "what have done" Chris yells. "amplified her to be the wesker albert couldn't" He laughs while Chris Looks at Athena blonde hair pale skin and now red eyes with the beetle on her chest. "not again Athena Davina and Jessie need you" He yells. "talking won't slow her down like last time she'll be my slave forever" Arias monster yells.

Chris POV
Nobody can ever be wesker not Athena she can't be controlled again she has to snap out of it Leon has to save her.

Athena's POV
Why can't I control myself god Someone needs to rip this out of me again.

The Elevator dings to reveal a Leon. Leon drives in with his motorcycle and jumps off slamming into arias monster form. Leon slowly gets up then gets grabbed trying to kick and punch but gets thrown. Leon starts shooting. "finish him" arias Laughs as Athena runs at him. "Athena" He yells. Leon reloads his gun and holding Athena "what is with you" He yells then looks into her eyes and chest "Chris How do i get it off her" Leon pushes Athena down before Arias punches on the ground and lean flipping over. "rip it" Chris screams. Leon runs before Arias tries to hit him again. Then Leon slides under him then keeps on sliding and shooting flipping over then gets thrown up then Leon shoots Arias before flipping over again and hitting his head leon shoots at him until Athena grabs Leon by the foot and slams him on the edge breaking glass halfway on the edge. "like the new Athena" Arias laughs While Athena stands there emotionless.

Snap out of it

Leon's POV
I have to get this thing out of her I need her to live to see the kids and prevent more damage

Athena's POV
I have to help Leon but I can't control my body I can't

Arias grabs Leon crushing him. "Athena can you hear me" Leon yells. Athena does and says nothing. "she's gone" Arias nails extend and lift his chin up. Then a helicopter comes up.

Please come on snap out of it just connect it

Leon gets dropped to the floor and crawls to Athena "hey hey" He yells. Athena pushes him off her. Leon shoots at her chest to get it off "I don't want to rip it out come on Listen to me" Leon yells before he sees arias on the helicopter "son of a" Leon runs to his motorcyle then drives to the edge before jumping off. Athena starts screaming as Blue veins cover her. "catch" Leon shoots the bike. "I got it go get if off its not easy trust me" Chris yells as Leon runs to Athena. "wesker" Athena yells. "No no he's not here your okay" Leon shushes her. Athena shoves Leon. Leon falls on his back "god damn it" Leon yells in pain. "here" Chris throws leon a tank. Leon rushes to shove the tank in her mouth but Athena shoves it away. "god damn it" Chris Runs up behind Athena holding her down. Leon closes his eyes and puts his hands around the beetle and starts to rip it. Athena starts screaming "hurry" Chris yells. Leon screams as she screams ripping out before getting kicked in the stomach. "ow I deserved that" Leon groans. Athena falls to the ground moaning. Leon puts the gas in her mouth "your okay just breathe nice and slowly" Leon whispers to her. "where are the kids" Athena whispers taking off the mask. "home I think right" Leon gulps. Athena coughs and sits on her own. Leon helps her stand. "I need a vacation" Athena coughs as her color comes back. "and hair dye" Leon gulps. Athena looks at her hair "no this took me years to get rid of" Athena yells. "something a little dye can't fix" Leon lifts her face to see her red eyes have slowly been turn back to brown. "and my fresh scar on my chest again" Athena scoffs. "its fine I like it" Leon pats her back. "woah careful rookie" Athena walks off. Leon scoffs chuckles and shakes his head "still love her" he follows after her "one more thing left to do" Chris says to Athena and Leon. "so lets do it".

You still have all of me (book 7)Where stories live. Discover now