I'm sorry

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Athena listens to Leon's whole story.

So that gives you a right to forget Davina's brithday and drink away

Couple weeks ago
What a dick. Leon sends Davina Nothing no present or no card ugh.

Athena sighs looking at the new Iphone wrapping it then writing on the to and from "love dad" Athena says to herself. Davina yawns walking in. "your sent you a gift" Athena smiles handing Davina her gift. "is it the gucci purse people are getting" Davina rips open her gift and screams.

Last one in the store too. Leon made effort at all that day or around that time. He just didn't care enough to even call me to tell me to tell her Happy birthday does he even know her age. All I did was make things worse by giving these kids false hope that their father loved them and wanted to spoil them but still working and one day he'll come over. I'm 40 and still an idiot.

"look this is glenn arias an arms dealer his deals on the black market are so shady they landed him on a certain government's hit List A smart bomb was dropped on his wedding He lost his family and his wife and now he's got a grudge after the attack he went underground but now he's back with BOWs and a score to settle here's the kicker he said his products have targeting capabilities from what I see I believe him" Chris explains. "so you got an arms dealer on one side and on the other a government dropping bombs on weddings whose the bad guy here" Leon asks. "Arias and its our mission to bring his ass down" Chris yells. "your mission not mien you have Athena" He yells. "god dammit Leon" Chris gets in Leon's face. Athena puts her head down.

this is getting us nowhere. I'm mad at him but you don't see me screaming at him.

"Leon with everything thats going on you just sit here and feel sorry for yourself forgetting your kids birthday and you your letting a grudge get the better of you" Rebecca yells at the boys.

Damn Rebecca who knew a nerd like you could do that

"I cannot believe how alike you two are" rebecca shakes her head. "what are you talking Athena what does she mean" Leon asks frantically. "your acting like a couple of selfish brats right now" Rebecca sternly stands up walking to a briefcase.

Leon's POV
Three weeks ago was Davina's birthday. How could I forget? I always send her gift. I can't imagine how Davina felt waking up to find no presents from me. I'm already bad enough by not being in her life but I just. I don't know. Davina and Athena Hate me Already I just know it. Athena's face has anger at me for that. I just left without giving an Athena a heads up. How I missed how she called to check up on me and how the kids are doing. I Always love hearing about what Jessie learned she's always learning something new. Davina's getting older where she's understanding things and growing up. I've been so up my own...

Athena's POV
Rebecca takes blood from her arm.

Okay crazy what are you doing.

"the virus is right under our noses always has been" Rebecca explains. "I don't follow" Chris leans back. "we don't need to look for some new virus that areas is infected people with The virus is lying dormant inside of everyone even you too" rebecca points to Athena and Leon "what we need to find the trigger".

So much science I don't know what she is saying anymore. Leon is only maybe helping so he can drink

Athena watches Rebecca angrily walk out "before I go Leon if arias takes over you can say goodbye to Athena He plans on turning her into wesker" She yells before walking out.

Spaced out the whole time

Athena looks down as Chris and Leon look at each other then Leon looks at Athena "Athena I'm so sorry I promise when this is over I'll get Davina a gift" Leon voice softs as Chris pushes his seat back to get away from the war about to happen between Athena and Leon. Athena sighs "thats good for you" Athena looks up. "I screwed up I get it there's no excuse for what I did" Leon starts to explain. "I had to buy another gift last minute and pretend it was from you to make sure she's not upset leon" Athena gets stern. "You don't think I feel bad for what I did" Leon gets stern with her. "I can tell Leon" Athena looks at the bottle. "I'm sorry alright I don't need this from you" Leon leans foward. "your flipping you shit over a gift" Leon comments. "whats next no gift to Jessie no christmas we stop talking forever I screwed up yeah but I gave you a choice to be around you just chose to not want that" Athena angrily says at him. "chris give us a minute" Leon sternly says. "but" Chris gets interupted. "hope you like birtney spears" Athena hands him airpods. Chris puts them on. "Okay Listen four years ago I was freaked out you just told me you had my two kids Jessie crying freaked me out my job freaked me out is that what you want to hear" Leon asks angrily. "tell you I was scared after fighting all those monsters and the out of everything I was scared of two little girls who needed me" Leons looks down. "i'm sorry I wasn't the father They needed" Leon reaches his hand to her only to get interupted by a man screaming "Leon". Chris takes out his Airpods to see a man yelling and running to Leon. Leon has an look of anger and runs toward him "I trusted you" Leon yells. "Wait wait let me explain" The man yells. Leon has him pinned on a pillar. "Leon" Athena yells.

Why is Leon so mad

"You know that Guy I was telling you about the one that solf out me and my unit" Leon angrily yells At Athena and Chris. "you don't unstand" Leon slams the man. "this is the guy" Leon angrily holds him "Please stop" The man begs. "hey what do you think your" the bartender asks before Chris interupts her "offical business its ok" Chris shows her a badge. "Leon" Athena walks to Leon's right to see Leon Punch the man. "Leon" Athena grabs him away. "What do you want" Leon yells. "please your the only one I know from DSO its my family you've got to save them" The man is on the ground him pain begging. "what" Leon asks in disbelief

So he betrays him and wants his help okay I'm not as crazy

Leon growls at him. "my wife and daughter are in spain an Arms dealer he's getting payed by the surviving members of Los Illuminados to launch a large scale bio terror attack I know too much they'd going to kill me and my family" The man explains in a rush before Chris drags him up "did you hear what he said its out lucky day" Chris say sternly. "lucky you crazy" Leon angrily asks. "he's going to lead us right to our guy" Chris smirks. "what the hell are you talking about" The man asks in fear. Athena kicks his leg and he cries "that was for attempting to kill my man" Athena yells. "yeah wait what" Leon asks."glenn Arias ring a bell" Chris asks "how do you know" He asks. "I'm psychic" Chris Tightens his grip "I need your help My family" He begs. "Let me get this straight you try and get me killed taking me almost away from her now I'm supposed to save your family" Leon angrily asks. "well how about this You tell us what you know first and Thena we'll decide if we help" Leon yells. "Miss Stacy Please" the man starts to run to Athena before Leon shoves him back on the wall "You don't talk to her" He yells. They hear noises outside then turn around to see a truck full of people coming out with gun. "what the hell" Athena yells to see a huge giant with a huge gun shooting at them. Chris grabs the man hiding behin a the pillar while Leon grabs Athena and they duck behind a table.

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