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Leon's POV
When I was a kid I never thought my life would turn out this way

Athena's POV
Athena is staring at Leon. "and once again we find ourselves back where we started" rebecca states. "What do you mean" Chris asks. "we got the bad guys" Athena answers. "hope we made the world a little more safer" Rebecca adds in. Athena sneaks her hand into Leon's fingers hoping for him to hold her hand back which of course he did. He held her hand tight "Hey chris" Leon calls. "Yeah" Chris looks at Leon and Athena holding hands. "how much long can we keep going on like this" Leon asks. "I don't know" Chris looks down then up smiling "never make plans that far ahead mr. and mrs.Kennedy". Leon chuckles and shakes his head. "shut you you man child" Athena laughs before they all look into the sun releasing the vaccine.

Time skip
Athena walks in her house Leon trailing behind exhausted. Leon sighs "so" leon asks. "Davina's coming back tomorow and Jessie's babysitter is dropping her off soon" Athena plops on her couch while Leon does the same. Athena turns on the tv to a good shows "like this one" Athena smiles "Athena" Leon asks. "Yeah" Athena asks. "You know I loved you ever since raccon city right" He confesses. "yeah I know it was just all so" Athena sighs. "complicated" He finishes her sentences. "I just want us to be a family I want you to be with me the kids here just be normal" Leon proposing. "not fighting you on that you were the one that freaked out" Athena sits up. "it'll be a hard road but a worth it road" Leon holds her hand. Athena leans in and kisses Leon. Leon cups her face and kisses her taking his time and for once in both in lives in a long time they were able to enjoy the moment. The door opens and Jessie runs in "mommy" Jessie screams. Leon and Athena back away from each other. "hi sweetie how are you" Athena smiles. "I had fun" Jessie jumps up and down "who that" Jessie asks. "you remember when you were little at the park very little and a man held you" Athena asks with a huge gulp. Jessie smiles "yeah" She looks at Leon. "so um this man is your daddy he's taking a break to spend time with you and davina" Athena explains. "I'm the favorite cause I younger and davina Meanie" Jessie jumps on Leon's laugh making leon grunt in pain. "sorry" Jessie giggles. "its fine I'm just old" leon lies about the injury. "I think a nice barbie doll would be nice" Jessie gives him puppy eyes. "leon stay strong" Athena holds his arm. "sure" Leon nods kissing Jessie's head. "you scrachy" Jessie jumps off. "your such a dad" Athena complains. Jessie giggles. "well I am Aren't I" Leon smiles

The next day
"really" Davina asks. "he's your dad he took time off to spend time with you and Jessie" Athena says. "he didn't leave he was actually at work this whole time" Davina asks. Athena nods "pretty much he's outside" Athena says. Davina bolts out the door into the living room to see a man she's never seen before. "hey" Leon gulps standing up. Davina runs up to him Crying hugging him. "Its okay I'm here now" Leon holds a crying Davina tight. Athena watches from the hallway.

Four years Later 2021
Its been four years since Leon and me reunited. Leon got really close with the girls he spoils them spends time with them. He helps me out around the house the homework the studying picking up cleaning cooking. Leon moved in couple weeks after. Leon and I love each other we can't stay away from each other. In the four years Leon and I eloped then had twin girls Leila and carmen kind of weird since we already have two and he missed out on two then I have two more that he can actually watch grow up. Leon's the best. He quit drinking mostly sticks to coffee energy drinks and water kind of like me. Leon's still an agent but he's happy that he has his kids. I've been at home stay at home mom its what I do I enjoy it. I made it clear that I quit with everything that I will no longer be involved with anything else after arias. My chest is worse then 10 years ago I can't risk it again ever again.

Athena is on her computer and sighs. "you okay" Leon hands her a cup of coffee. "Yeah" Athena nods. "whose Alba Garcia Silva" Leon looks at her computer. "nobody" Athena looks away. "you want to talk about it" Leon asks. "fine" She looks down. "who is she" leon asks. "my mom" Athena reveals. "you plan on talking to her" Leon asks. "yeah" Athena sighs. "I'll be your driver" Leon smiles. "what Leon this my" Leon interupts. "As your amazing husband I'm driving".

Time skip
Athena is in the car outside a house in ohio. "looks like they never left" Leon looks at the house. "yeah" Athena nods. Leon gets out of the car and then walks over to Athena's side and opens her door "I'm right behind you I'm right here". Athena nods and walks to the door as Leon follows behind. Athena sighs and knocks on the door to reveal an older woman "hi" Athena gulps. "who are you" An older woman asks. "are you Alba Garcia Silva" Athena asks. The woman recognize her voice and holds her chest "Athena" She covers her mouth "George Athena's Home" She yells and hugs Athena. Athena smiles "yeah I'm home".


This was so sad I cried typing it. Well this is it this is the end of the traitor serious forever Athena and Leon's story is offically over and tehy lived happily ever after. I cried in forever darkness and this it was was so sad. I had always planned this for the ending for Athena to reunite with her parents. No matter what there will be no book for Leon and Athena there's nothing more to tell. I hope you enjoyed their characters and the whole series. I will be working on my trust book series right after this and another story in the works. This Is it.

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