The aftermath

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Leon is shielding Athena covering her. "Leon" Athena yells. "son of a bitch" Chris yells. "he was followed" Leon holds Athena tighter but still behind a table then hear a phone ring. "my family please save them" he begs before closing his eyes and dropping his hands. "son of a bitch he's dead" Athena yells. "Damn it" Leon says to himself. Athena looks a bit over to the bullet fires "They have rebecca" Athena yells. Chris pokes his head out "rebecca" Chris yells. Chris runs out as They all leave with rebecca. Chris runs back inside "I know the big guy he's with arias" Chris runs to Athena and Leon. Leon lets go of Athena before getting up along with her. "what does Arias want with rebecca" Athena asks shaking her head to get rid of all the glass and wood out of it. "I don't know I just want to get her back" Chris looks back. "there goes my vacation again" Leon tilts his head. Athena looks at her white silk button up long shirt at all the blood near the bottom then she stuffs in her black skinny jeans.

That guy's blood is all over me

Athena sighs looking at the ringing phone in Leon's hand. Leon shows Chris the phone. They all stay quiet. leon answers the phone quietly.

Leon's POV
After hearing his wife and kid on the phone I can't imagine what it was like for Athena and the kids. I tortured Athena and the kids its all my fault.

Leon looks back At Athena staring at the man's body.

I have to do this to give my family a better life better man better boyfriend better father

Time skip Athena's POV
Athena Looks down in the plane. Leon sits down next to her "listen when this is over" Leon sighs. "You want to see the kids" Athena asks as he nods "Yeah I don't want to miss anything else so far today I've been thinking how much I hurt you our daughters I know its not going to be one day and were ok its going to take time for us all" Leon explains. Athena sighs "We'll see back at the bar you were" Athena sighs. "as asshole" Leon asks. Athena nods "I don't want a drunk guy showing up" Athena looks at him. "I'll change I promise" Leon puts his hand on her hand.

Leon's POV
I'll take that maybe. Which means she can change her mind and I can be a father or she can tell me to screw off and never see my kids that second option is In Athena's mind the most right now I can't help but worry. Seeing Athena seeing me drinking like that made her mad its the reason She didn't tell me about Davina six years ago and her being pregnant with Jessie

Time skip Athena's POV
"bring up the map again" Leon looks at rebecca's Laptop with Chris and Athena. Athena looks at the map "mostly around great lakes" Athena looks at the points. "so if this is true it can lay dormant inside people god knows how many are infected" Leon looks at the computer.

This all just too much

"if the trigger's airborne its harder to control where it goes or get it" Leon explains. "so then Arias has to be using some type of Vaccine" Chris says as Athena gulps "yep". "thats how he controls the spread of an outbreak he vaccinates anyone he doesn't want infected first which makes for a more accurate weapon see" Leon points to Rebecca's laptop.

Leon when did you get all science wiz on me. Were all getting too old for this were 40 damn it

"Arias is planning something big Patricio new way too much about" Leon grabs a chip from Patricio's phone and holds it up "thats why he was killed". Leon puts it in the laptop and see some stuff they don't want to see. "he's going to use the trigger virus on new york" Chris asks in fear. "thats what it looks like" Leon replies. "looks like I'm going back" Athena sighs. "he's out of his mind" Chris yells. "and yeah it was the same place' chris starts to say. "what" Leon asks. "wesker kidnapped Davina there" Chris reveals. "oh in new york" Leon gulps. "if the outbreak is deemed uncontrollable tanks" Athena changes the subject. "labeled with a green A contain the vaccine and are ready to deploy Location classified" Leon continues for her. "great so we find it and release it" Athena says as Leon nods "like flipping the safety switch but if you were Arias where would you keep it" Leon asks. "somewhere he can get too easily" Athena answers. "some place secure" Chris says. Leon sighs "his hideout in New york".

Time skip
"everyone get a dose of rebecca's vaccine" Chris yells as everyone nods.

Like I need wesker Jr.

"So that means we have to nab Arias all by ourselves fantastic" leon reloads his gun

Leon just stop your making me want to have you in our kids lives

"one blow up the tankers two get rebecca three grab the vaccine and deploy it on the city" Leon orders. "and grab Arias four things" Chris says to leon. "whatever you say boss" Leon looks back at a quiet Athena staring at the screen not listening to chris really

Time skip
The plane doors opens. "gifts from the BSAA" Nadia yells as Leon and Athena hold on to the top. "they said thats the best they can do for us for now" Nadia yells. Leon looks back at Athena "were taking the bike" Leon yells. "oh no" Athena yells. "Yea we are" Leon grabs Athena. "No" Athena yells.

I'm not 21 anymore i'm 40 now I'm not getting on that bike.

Leon gets on the bike while athena sighs.

and I'm on the bike

Athena holds on tight to Leon as he drives off a cliff road jumping. "Leon" Athena yells. "don't worry about it your fine" Leon drives fas on the motorcyle.

Time skip
Leon stops. "well you ready to rock" Leon asks in the jeep. "you kidding" Leon asks. "lets do this" Chris starts the jeep while Leon drives and throws a grenade at a tanker then Leon drives back.

I'm getting so sick

They hear noise from the back of a van. "Ladies first" DC says to Athena. "yeah Ladies DC" Athena points to DC. Leon Has Athena shielded and protected by her right arm on her and his left on the wheel. Dc gets closer and closer then the truck slams open to reveal dogs. The dog bites his head off. Athena looks away. "Don't look" Leon yells at Athena. "shit" Chris yells shooting at the dogs. "any Ideas" Athena asks. "i'll lead the dogs away you go blow up more tankers" Leon orders chris "Athena hang on tight" He yells. Athena tightens her grip on Leon. "here boys come on" Leon drives away fast. Athena screams "Leon".

I will Kill this man

Time skip
"Leon I hate you so much" She slaps his arm while Leon is dodging the dogs swerving all over. "trying to let us live" Leon starts shooing at the dogs "duck" he yells. Athena ducks as Leon is half off the bike shooting behind him then turns around twisting to his left shooting.

Where did he learn that from

Leon comes back up. Athena watches an explosion behind them and another dog. Leon pulls on the break to slow down and shoot the dog. Athena starts shooting at a billboard as it falls on the dog then leon throws another grenade.

And I'm sick so sick

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