Here we go again

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Davina's POV (I know so new)
Is that chris man my dad. I don't know who dad is. I Just know for four years Is a man who rights from dad on all my presents and talks to my mom once in awhile over the phone. If chris is my dad then cool my dad is military man he dresses up like one right? I just know is that my dad works high up in the government. My mom says my dad's job is dangerous which is why he can be in my life. If he barely sees me how could he have Jessie doesn't make sense unless he came in the middle of the night. I heard a Leon maybe Leon is Jessie's dad my dad our dad I don't know. my mom doesn't really tell me much about him she changes the subject fast. I don't really ask I don't want to my mom sad.

Athena's POV
"so your the Athena stacy that killed wesker" A woman with short brown hair asks. "Yeah is it all over the place that I did" Athena asks. "your like a living" A BSAA agent woman says to her. "more like a former criminal who just happen to hate wesker" Athena crosses her legs. "Rebecca" she puts her a thumbs up. "how did Athena stacy become Athena stacy Nadia" Nadia introduces herself. "get kidnapped as a child then be a guinea pig for Umbrella then for an evil scientist then kill him after you quit" Athena explains. "Agent Leon kennedy you worked with him too" Another BSAA asks. Rebecca gives him a look since Chris told her the tea on that on. "I guess you could say that" Athena looks away

Time skip Rocky mountains Colorado
Why would Leon take a vacation here

"I hate this place Already" Athena crosses her arms. "well luckily we won't stay for long if Leon doesn't resist" Chris assures. "before we go in" rebecca stops Athena and chris. "what" Athena asks. "chris tell her" Rebecca is in his way in the door. "what is Leon married" Athena asks in fear. "no" Chris turns to her "four months ago I saw on a file in Glenn's mansion was um" Chris gulps. "what" Athena gets that angry look on her face. "remember the thing on your chest then turned blonde" Chris explains. Athena sighs "my hair". "he had your file your blood type Wesker's notes of what he did to you but amplified" Chris explains. "what the hell" Athena asks. "you were able to hold on somewhat last time Arias Planned on injecting you with the A virus and put that thing on you again god knows what would have happened" Rebecca explains. "I'm not going blonde again" Athena scoffs. "you share almost the same characteristics of Wesker you have the viruses he had but the difference was that you were given vaccines which made you" Chris says before rebecca interupts. "wesker your like his twin in genetic Makeup especially after he put that thing on you Glenn wants another wesker" Rebecca explains. "well I'm no wesker i'm a stacy" Athena smirks. "i like her she has spirit" Rebecca opens the front door.

I'm so Lovable but why would Glenn want to create another wesker? Who wants another wesker? jake was bad enough. and why posses me last time it didn't go well

Athena sees through a glass door a man drinking in the middle of the day well morning. Chris Opens the door then rebecca and Chris walk in.

I can do this I can face Leon right I don't know

Athena walks in after them behind them. "careful you don't scare the locals your stealth's for shit" A man raises his voice to them. "its a little early to be that deep in the bottle Leon" Chris comments. Leon turns around "well look who it is The BSAA's golden boy doctor high hopes and my baby mama" Leon yells drunk "what the hell do you want" His voice deepens.

Baby mama? mother of my kids who stays at home rasing his two kids without him would be nice.

"I got a job we need your help" Chris says to Leon. Leon chuckles "i'm on vacation" Leon turns back around. "Let's talk about Los illuminados" Rebecca breaks the talking between Leon and chris pulling out a briefcase. "remember the type of BOWs they were using" Rebecca asks. "thats so long ago I don't remember as her she stole the sample" Leon keeps looking at his glass. Athena scoffs.

Like I know shit about it

"so what your going to sit around here another week and do nothing you had Athena worried" Chris walks up to Leon. "I never make Plans that far ahead besides its not like my kids need me" Leon sounds broken.

Is killing Leon an option now?

"hey Another bottle" Leon has his hand up yelling at the bartender. "cancel that" Chris yells. "hey who the hell" Leon gets interupted by chris "Enough" Chris yells slamming his hand down "All right". Leon looks mad and shocked "what do you want redfield" Leon asks angrily. "What do you want Leon" Chris looks over at Athena knowing Leon wants his family.

Why is Leon acting like this? Hasn't he learned from the last time in 2011

Leon takes out a flask to drink then Chris grabs Leon's Arm While Athena grabs the flask. Leon sticks his tongue out at chris. "cut the shit" Chris sternly says to him. "boys" Athena sits down taking the flask away.

I said Boys on purpose they are its like watching Jessie and Davina fight over what show to watch

"Leon were sorry to interupt your vacation but we wouldn't be here if it wasn't serious we think you might have some more intel then Athena and we need it" Rebecca says an calm tone.

Not sorry really he's a drunk mess again who missed his daughter's birthday. I know he's not in her life but he always got her something special so she felt loved.

Athena is looking back at chris and Rebecca as they talk to Leon. "Look this shit's spreading fast and Thick" Chris yells as Leon puts his head on her hand. "all of the researchers and the staff at my university were infected" Rebecca says to leon. "this again huh" Leon asks. "its like i'm stuck in a goddamn loop" Leon says in defeat. "what" Chris and Athena say at the same time. "you know the bomb that went off in dc" Leon asks.

Leon wrong person to say that too I'm not high up or watch the news. Like whose the president?

"it was my mission to stop the terrorists" Leon points to himself. "we got to our rendezvous Point and some Asshole ratted us out The bomb went off and everyone on metro swat my whole unit gone".

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