« chanro's picnic »

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{jiro park × chan lee}

The piles of finally completed summer homework were stored away on their shelf, away from his sight so he wouldn't get a headache. The sun flooded his room as it cast a magical golden glow, filling the room with the mid-summer air and glorious light. Chan looked around his room, it had finally been tidied properly, so every surface was gleaming and spotless, not a speck of dust spotted. He watched as the curtains danced around gently with the breeze entering his room, reaching him and cooling him. The serene quality of the room suddenly reminded him of Jiro, and that made him look over at the photo frame next to his bed; it was a picture of them about to kiss during sunset, the sinking sun causing their bodies to become silhouettes as they both leaned in.

"Hey babe," spoke Jiro when he picked up the phone, his deep and mellow voice giving Chan the familiar cosy butterflies in his stomach.

"Hi, love! How are you?" asked Chan.

"I'm doing fine, just bored. I miss you a lot. How about you Channie?"

"Same. This whole summer was just us staying at home. I wanna see you again."

Jiro's line went quiet before he gave his response. "Since the weather's nice today, you up for a picnic? No one to disturb us, just us two."

"Sure! Which park?" asked Chan as he stood up and went straight for his closet, trying to pick out a suitable outfit.

"Idyll park is the least busy and pretty. Let's go there! I'll come to pick you up by car at three pm."

"Then we shall go there lobster!"

"Why do I get the nickname lobster?" complained Jiro.

"It's from when we went to the beach and a red lobster started chasing you and it was as red as your hair!" explained  Chan with a small laugh.

"So I call you sunshine and I get no cute nicknames for me?" dramatically sighed Jiro.

"Sorry love~" sang Chan. "But I'll see you at three pm then! Bye-bye, love you!"

"Love you too sunshine!"

Chan hung up before tossing his phone on his bed, cluelessly staring off into space. His heart did those small, excited flips again as he visualized Jiro with his bright smile, and the butterflies grew even more until he snapped himself out of it and looked at the time. It had just turned to one pm and he had to pack a picnic basket and look presentable for Jiro.






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After informing his dads of his date with Jiro, Donghyuck had volunteered to help Chan with packing a basket with savoury dishes for him to take. He had taken a shower and flipped his room completely upside down, sighing in frustration as he had no idea what to wear before flopping down on his bed, his clothes scattered everywhere. Just then, Dahyun walked through the doors with a towel wrapped around her head.

☆ 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗴𝗶 𝗸𝗶𝗱𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 ☆Where stories live. Discover now