Chapter 2: Shopping and Secrets

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Early the next morning I felt the bed sink a bit as I opened my eyes to see mum sitting on the edge of my bed. " Wake up Draco darling, get ready. Today we are deciding what you need for your first year at Hogwarts."

* Narcissa got up and left the bedroom.*

I felt both excited and nervous as I buttoned up my crisp white shirt and pulled up my long black pants. Then I made my way downstairs to the dining room.

" Good, you're up", Daddy said as he looked me up and down approvingly. Dobby came out the kitchen carrying a platter of pancakes drizzled with maple syrup on one hand and a jug of apple cider on the other.

We sat by the table silently and politely eating our breakfast while Dobby sat by a seat specifically designed for house elves munching on something the color yellow.

We always ate in silence, unless Mum or Daddy broke it with some important news. I was told to not open my mouth at the dinner table unless addressed.

Once the table was cleared, Mum asked me to get my Hogwarts letter which contained the supplies list of the first years. I gave it to Mum and she started reading out the list.

" 1 simple cloak, 1 pet of your choice, 1 wand, 1 broomstick, and 1 cauldron."
As Mum finished the list she noticed Dobby listening from the kitchen. " Anyway, we better get you to diagon alley to buy all your supplies." Mum folded the letter and placed it in her pocket.

Mum and I got ready to go to Diagon Alley. Once we arrived Mum did the spell and the wall shifted and we walked down the cobblestone path towards the shops.

Our first stop was at Olivanders. Olivander greeted us with a smile and called us over to him. The shop was filled with thin long boxes. All which contained various types of wands with different cores, lengths, wood types, and designs.

He told me that I won't be choosing my wand, rather, my wand will be choosing me. He climbed up an old rickety ladder and took a rusty box off the shelf and dusted it off with a handkerchief. " Here Draco, try this wand." He placed it in my hands and waited expectantly. The wand wouldn't settle. It flew across the room and hit the wall.

" Oh dear! How about this one?" He brought out another wand. This one felt  
Unique and it felt meant to be. Suddenly, it lit up and started to glow.
" Yes! Young man, this is the one that shall be yours. It shall serve in in Wizarding school and wherever you shall need the use of it."

Pleased, we exited the shop. Next was the book shop. We bought all. " Your Father already has a broom for you," Mum told me. "A nimbus two thousand and one." I was glad since that was better than the nimbus two thousand that the rest of the first years get.

We also had to get a cauldron and a school robe. After that we started heading home. We walked in silence. Our family would seem cold to outsiders even though Mum and I loved 
each other. With Father its different. If I step one toe out of line, he reprimands me harshly. Once home, I went to Father to ask about my new broomstick.

I found him on the couch talking in a hushed tone to someone I didn't know.
They seemd stressed. As soon. As he saw me and Mum, they quickly stopped and stood up. " Narcissa, please go upstairs with Draco, I'm busy right now." I was confused bit Mum and I complied and headed towards the stairs.

Mum and I went over the rest of the acceptance letter. A few hours later there was the sound of footsteps and the shutting of the door. When I finally went back downstairs, Father was already sitting by the table and writing with his top notch quill. Mum was making a tea and soon sta down near Father.

I wasn't sure whether to ask about who Father was speaking with before and what it was about. I decided to go find Dobby and request he take my robes and prepare it for my first day at Hogwarts.

Dobby didn't disobey, he never does. "Yes, master Draco. Hand me your robes and I shall five it back to you in pristine condition." I didn't say thank you, I never do. At least not to Dobby.

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