Season 1, episode 10

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"I'm not supposed to trust anyone in my proffestion, that's what I have learned." I say and get back on my desk and start working.
I look back a bit to see what she was doing. I was hoping she would come and talk for some reasons but she wasn't,she was just sitting down and lost in her own mind. Suddenly I get a call from somewhere Important so I get out of the cell and talk on the phone. After talking I get in but don't see her. Suddenly someone touches but shoulder and as a reflex I almost hit her.
"I'm so sorry!are you hurt?" I say to her and see hand got red because I was holding it too tight.
"No,no it's ok. I'm alright." She says.
"What were you doing there?" I ask her.
"Um- I just wanted some water." She says making a goofy face.
"I'll get it,go and sit down." I say to her and get some water.
"Here you go." I hand her a glass of water.
"Thank you." She replies a bit scared.
She drinks the water and gives back the glass to me.
"You could've gotten more hurt." I say
"It wouldn't be any worse than the hurt I'm getting by your ignorance." She says kind of looking here and there.
I know I'm being cold...and she's going through a lot because of me but it's my job...I have to find Hannah anyhow and I can't let anything or anyone distract me but right now..I don't feel ok seeing her like this. But I have no choice,I shouldn't develop any relationship with her and it's for the best.

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