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Immediately the final bell rang, Chijioke teleported to my desk.

"Naya bear treat my boyfriend well, I beg you," he said clapping his palms.

"Which of them? Is it Isreal or Stephen or Victor or Damilare or. . ." I joked.

"Vince bobo na" he interrupted me punching me playfully.

"You never get tired of nicknames. How did you even know about our tutor session?"

"He told me. He's seriously against it," he laughed. "I just can't wait for the drama to start. How I wish I would be here to watch both of you."

"You are very very sick."

He laughed again. "I ship the two of you though," he winked.

"Get out of here," I told him trying to shove him away.

"On Valentine's day, he'll be like: Nairobi Chielo please be my Val. And you'll be like: yes Vince. . ."

"Chijioke you're so infuriating. Stop na" I punched him making him laugh. "That would never happen."

"But it's making you blush," he smirked.

"I'm not blushing!"

"Of course you are." He pinched my cheek, "See how red your cheeks are." He teased.

"I hate you."

"I love you B," he said making a kissy face. I heard a gagging sound.

"Who is loving who?" Jessica asked placing her arm around Chijioke's neck. He removed it and placed his own hand round her waist then nuzzled her neck.

"Jeez get a room," I rolled my eyes at them. They give you every reason to believe that they are dating but they are not. They are just friends according to Jessica –in quotes.

"Tell CJ that," Jessica giggled pretending to push him away.

"Repent o ye child with the unclean mind," Chijioke said to me as the usual joker he is.

"So are you prepared for your. . .you know?"

"Why are you making it sound like it's one important thing?"

"Because there would be drama," she shrugged.

"Aww I love this girl," CJ said pulling her closer.

"I'm outta here," I said carrying my bag.

"Be nice!" They called out together and giggled.

I took inhaled and strode over to Vincent's seat. He was talking with Olamide.

Don't let him get to you, I told to myself.

"Hey," Stephen popped up in front of me. "Remember what I told you. Be nice."

"I'll try," I said. He smiled and gestured towards Vincent's table. As usual I raised my head puffed out my chest but replaced the scowl with a friendlier one.

"Hey," I greeted when I got to the table. The two shot me death glares which I ignored.

"Vincent. It's time," I told him ignoring their looks.

"When I'm ready I'll meet you."

I inhaled deeply before speaking. "I don't have time to waste. I need to do this fast and head home." I said as calmly as I could.

"Girl, We're discussing. When he's done he'll meet you. Were we the one's that forced you to take fifteen thousand Naira?"

How in the world did this girl know? Olamide's very existence enraged me. She made sure to use the tinniest opportunity to make me angry.

"See whatever they call you I've warned you about poke-nosing into anything that concerns me. Don't ever talk to me, ever again." I turned to Vincent, "Dude, meet me in the library."

I stormed out of the class. Stephen who was leaning on the wall outside the class, as if waiting for me pushed himself off the wall so that he stood in front of me.


"Nothing. Just know that Vincent's going–"

"To hell with him. Leave me alone biko," I said and walked past him. I tried to figure out why Vincent was acting all protective. Their surnames were different so they were definitely not siblings, they didn't look alike in any way and they were not even the closest of friends. I usually noticed Vincent hung out mostly with Chijioke, Israel and one Alex. Maybe they were cousins was my last conclusion.

I greeted the librarian at the front desk before taking a seat at the far end of the library. That was my favourite spot because it was kind of secluded and one could have a clear view of the school field from there. I searched for a chemistry textbook before waiting for the boy.

I didn't wait for so long before the boy cat walked into the library. As usual walking like he was counting or calculating his steps, his hands buried in his pocket. He cat walked over to where I was and sat.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "I want to start with chemistry. Are you okay with that?". He nodded.

I opened the textbook to the table of contents. " And I'm going to start from the very beginning. Are you okay with that?". He  nodded again.

I brought out my jotter from my bag and he in turn brought out a book. "What textbook is that?" He asked. I was beginning to think he was mute.

"New school," I answered. "Now I want you to do something for me before we start." I passed my jotter and the textbook to him, "look through the table of contents and write down every topic from SS1 that's giving you problems inside this book."

I occupied myself by looking at the field. The football pitch wasn't standard but it was okay, same with the basketball court. A track went round the football pitch, just before the bleachers. I smiled recalling watching Chijioke play on the pitch. On the pitch, he was so different – I think that was the only moment he was ever serious. There was also space for volleyball and table tennis just that the equipment were usually removed from the field after use. The palm trees surrounding the field were so still like there wasn't any breeze I wondered how hot it was outside.

"I'm done". I snapped out of my study session and looked through what he wrote. I nearly laughed at some topics he put down but I didn't for the sake of peace.

"Alright. So let's start. We'll take a topic a day" I said and turned to the next page of my book. I started teaching or rather tutoring.

After the surprisingly argument free session he thanked me. I was so damn surprised.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked clearly confused I had to laugh a little.

"Nothing. I-It's-nevermind."

"Okay? I'm out of here," he said and catwalked out of the library. I shook my head, a small smile tugging at my lips.

Who knew sir grumpy had a sense of politeness?

Naya and VinceWhere stories live. Discover now