unexpected guests

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"Wha...I....WHAT!?" Pico and me shouted.
"WTF NENE! You said only Darnell was gonna be here!" Cassandra said.
It was a good couple I had to say.
"Hey Y/n here has a girlfriend too." Darnell smirked.
I turned quickly but slowly.
"Heyy, no I dont!"
"Ras is just a friend. And besides I met her today!" I responded fast.
Nene looked at me with a smirk. We walked towards me.
"I can get you with her if you want. I'm an expert." She whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. She then walked towards Cassandra giving her a kiss. I turned to see Pico turn and leave with a pissed look on his face. I guess I'll talk to him. I walked into his room to see him on the bed.
"Hey you alright? You seem pissed."
"Yea I'm fine I guess. I don't have a problem with lesbians but Cassandra really! And my friend, Nene! A girl who loves parties and one night stands in love with a goth! And the leader of them!" He raised his voice.
"I mean there's nothing really wrong with the goths. They're just bitches because people treat them like shit. It's not their fault. They just dress different and there's nothing wrong with that. And I don't want to make you more mad but Nene can love whoever she wants. Same with you. And me. Even Darnell. Nenes your best friend and your her best friend so she expects you too to support her opinion in love. And she loves Cass." I tried to convince him.
"Ok fine I'll try to be more nice and more supportive. Thanks Y/n." He said getting up and going outside to the living room. I got out and walked to the room I'd be staying in. I got changed and layed in my bed scrolling on my phone.
Then to my surprise I hear a door bell ring. I sit up. I then hear an angelic sweet voice start talking. Sarv!? What is she doing here!?
"We just want to know how they are doing. Well me and my daughter, she was asking and asking hehe." I heard her say.
I got up and opened my door slightly. I peeked out to see Ruv, selever, rasazy, and sarv. She turned in my direction.
"Oh thank god!" She walked my way and hugged me. This bitch is acting like I'm her child what the fuck.
"Yea I'm ok! I was just about to get some sleep heh." I responded.
"Oh I'm so sorry! But before we go Rasazy wanted to make sure too! You guys are just adorable together!" Her eyes went to rasazy as she hid behind Ruv.
"Oh! Hello...again. What do you need?" I felt my face get warm. *insert disturbia by Rihanna😔*
"I just wanted to make sure you're ok and I wanted to thank you for helping me stay calm when the fire started." God she was so sweet!
"Oh it's no problem I mean who wouldn't have been scared-"
"You're a very kind person and I want to hang out with you more..." She cut me off closing her eyes tight.
"Hehe thanks and of course! I would love to hang out with you more Ras!" I smiled.
She nodded and smiled and went back behind Ruv. Selever growled at me. Man he really didn't like me did he. Damn dog.
"Well I'm hoping to see you soon or tomorrow! Here's my number, come bye anytime!" Sarv said with the same smile on her face. Ras waved at me and Ruv and Selever glared at me. Wtf did I do!? Whatever.
"Alright we're off! Sorry to come all sudden. Goodbye Y/n take care!" She closed the door. WAIT HOW DID SHE KNOW WHERE DARNELL LIVED?? Damn ok.
"Ooo Y/n you got a gf now? I-"
"I'm so proud!"
Nene came running to me hugging me. I didn't hug back.
"She's not gf just a friend that I met today!"
"Yea ok."

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