The Dance

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(Sorry I haven't posted! My cousins came over then I went to my other cousins house for Halloween, also my birthday is in 4 days! I'm very excited, if yours has past or is soon/in December then Happy late or early birthday!)

Y/n pov:
I woke up and groaned, I saw 2 pairs of legs in front of me.
"Get up N/n!" Y/c squealed.
"Whaaat." I whined.
"The dance is today!" Y/c shook.
"Right." I sat up.
They walked out of my room as I got up and looked through my clothes.
Since the dance wasn't till tonight I picked out a regular outfit I would wear.
(If you can't pick then here)

 (If you can't pick then here)

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(If you don't like it then your loss😔)

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(If you don't like it then your loss😔)

I grabbed my backpack, crystals, homework, then my phone. I rushed out the door to be greeted by the loud bus.
I hopped on and saw Darnell waving at me. I waved back and sat in my seat.
"Hey N/n!" I heard a voice from above me say. I looked and saw Hanzou smiling at me.
"Hey bro, haven't seen you around." I said smiling at him.
"I've been with the gang, Cy broke his nose and couple of days ago, I wonder why. He said it was your fault but Cas kept laughing at him." He said glancing at Cyclops from time to time.
"Crazy, hehe." I looked at the ground.
"There was a lot of blood on the concrete too, I wonder who did that!" He added.
"Harsh." I said still looking at the ground.
The bus stopped fast making all of us go forward, hitting the seat in front of us.
"FUCK!" I heard a yell, guessing it Cyclops.

I saw Alexa get on the bus but Rasazy and Sel were behind her. Rasazy pushed past her making her go into a random persons seat and sat next to me. Alexa yelped as me and Sel started laughing.
"Y/n! Help me!" I heard her yell.
I continued to laugh as she yelled for me.
"What's funny?" Rasazy smiled but looked very confused.
"Nothing, what's up?" I calmed myself down and smiled.
"Nothing much, I finished the book I got from the library, very.....interesting." She said.
"What about you?" She looked at me.
"Nothing like always, anyways you going to the dance? Or is Ruv not gonna let you?" I asked her.
Her face turned pink and she looked away from me.
"I'm sure my mama will let me go, she might convince my papa so probably." She said keeping her voice steady and calm like always.
"Cool! I'm going against my will so I'm happy I won't be alone!" I smiled and she turned away again.
We pulled up to the school and we all got off.
Rasazy followed me to my locker and went to hers. Her locker was next to mine so that made it easier. We walked to first period and sat down next to each other.
"You ok? You look sick?" I noticed her face was red, she was also spacing out a lot.
"Uh- Yes! I'm fine." She responded fast.
"Oh ok!" I payed attention to my hands again. I remembered the "game" I used to play, picking at my skin till it bleeds, always won it. It usually caused trouble because most people noticed it and told the teacher or made noise talking to me on how or why I did it.
I probably shouldn't.

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