Schools end

664 7 11

*time skip to the end of the day*

I sighed walking out of my last class. I then heard the same high voice running at me.
"Hey! Y/n! Didn't you get my note!? Why weren't you at lunch!?" Fucking Alexa. Oh no what the hell do I do. Then I thought if the the plan me and Isaac made.
"What do you mean? I didn't get any note?" I said trying to keep my cool. Then I felt warm arms wrap around me but they weren't Alexas, her arms were behind her. I turn to see Rasazy clinging onto me.
"Oh hey Rasazy! What do you need?" I asked.
She tugged on my arm trying to pull me a different way and most definitely succeeding. She was way more strong then I thought god damn. I gave in and let just drag me outside of the school.
"Are you okay?" She asked
"What-yes of course." Did she think Alexa was trying to hurt me or was she jealous?
"Good. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come over after school..." She looked down.
"My mom wanted to invite you too..." She said shifting her eyes to me and the ground.
"Yes of course! If I remember the way there then absolutely!" I smiled. I had this small, nah not small, big soft spot for her.
She smiled got a surprised look when a familiar imp tapped her.
"Hey can we go now. Dads gonna be pissed if we make it home late." Selever said with a tired expression. She nodded and waved.
"See you soon." She turned around and walked to her mother's church. I turned to the left and walk straight. I took out my phone to text my mom who was out of the hospital at last she was still sore though.

                                                         Me lol😩
                            Hi mama! I hope you are
                   feeling better! Do you mind if I
                        Go to my friends house
                 after school. I'll be home at 9:00
                     It depends on how long I stay
Sure honey, make sure to tell dad bye he is going to leave for work soon!

I closed my phone feeling happy, until. I saw the same Mohawk guy standing with Cassandra. Then Cass walked away with Nene. I blinked and I saw Cyclops staring straight at me.
"Hey! You think I'm done with you!? I just started on the bus!" This motherfucker darted at me. Well now there's only one thing to do. 😔
Learn from Coryxkenshin. All I gotta do is break his ankles. Pretty easy. But since I don't have video game physics I just dogde him. I watched him face planted into the ground.
"Holy shit-" I ran, running past Nene and Cassandra.
"Hey! Y/n? Where are you going?" Cass asked.
"Ok so please don't kill me but I accidentally dogded one of your friends with the Mohawk and she face planted unto the concrete so now I'm running." I said out if breath.
A smile grew on Cass's face, she then started cackling.
"Serves that bitch right!" She said.
"You're fine I'll talk with him, go on to where you were going." She said finally stopping with tears in her eyes.
I nodded and walked off to the church.
As I went the way I went last time I finally saw the church ahead. I knocked on the big church doors and I saw the same cheering smile of Sarventes.
"Why hello dear! I've been expecting you!" She smiled and pushed me inside.
"Rasazy! Honey your lovely friend is here to see you like you wanted!" She yelled.
I heard a door slow open and close and foot steps to the living room. She stared at you and slow walking turned into fast walking. She hugged you and smiled.
"Hello." She said with the same soft voice.
"Hello Ras!" I smiled.
Sarvente had one hand covering her mouth while she blushed.
"Aww, you guys are just adorable together! But anyways Y/n you cane just in time for dinner! Come on dears!" She clapped her hands and we follower her. I sat down and looked at the food. Looks good!
"Alright everyone! Time to pray!" She out her hands together and started praying with everyone else. I felt so out of place so I did the same but I couldn't think of any prayer. So, I just sat there. Amen I guess. She looked up and sat up.
"Now time to eat!" she said picking up her utensil and began to eat. I picked up my fork and ate the food. Sarvente is a really good cook, wow.

*after dinner*

I sighed as I out my plate into the sink and washed it off, I checked the time on my phone to see it was 7:24. Even though I still had 2 hours and 36 minutes I figured I should head home.
"Ok, so I hate to leave but I should go home and do my school work, thank you so much for the dinner and thanks Ras for inviting me! Goodbye have a nice night!" I patted Rasazys head and walked out the door. I then heard loud sirens of an ambulance and saw the flashing lights going on the street of my house.
This can't be good.

(I'm gonna be mentioning Y/c which means your cousin or sibling or any close family to you that is not your parents in the next chapter and heads up I'm going to give them the personality of my cousin!)

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