Trying for the best/worst pt. 1

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(Thanks to the wonderful person for giving me this suggestion for the next chapter, pikanator1 ! Today was my first day at my martial arts Club, and I felt not welcome but welcome. It was honestly nice, people were nice, a girl named Mikayla helped me the whole time and she was a black belt. Sorry for the whole talk thing again it's just fun to talk to you guys. Anyways onto the chapter you've been waiting for ig٩( ᐛ )و)

Ruv POV:
I sat down on Sarvente and my bed as I thought about the person Y/n Rasazy always talks about and hangs out with.

Somethings off about that person, I don't trust my daughter being around that person. No matter what I do to stop her from being with that brat she always finds a way to hang out with her.
It doesn't help that they go to the same school district.
"Hey honey, what are you doing in here?" I look up and saw Sarvente standing in the doorway.
"You know that person our daughter hangs out with too much, Y/n." I said in a stern voice.
"Mhm! They're very nice, I think they are made for each other really!" I saw Sarvente smiling at the thought.
I groaned as I thought of it.
My daughter dating someone like that, never.
"It's not right, I can't even imagine my daughter dating someone like that." I continued to stare at the ground feeling Sarventes presence next to me.
(This part is only if you're the same gender as Rasazy so if you are not skip this part)
(Not this whole part)
"*gasp* Ruv! Are you being homophobic!?" Sarvente gasped.
"What- No! It's just that I know Rasazy's going to get hurt if she ever gets too attached to that person. She needs to get away from her." I sternly said.

"Away from her? As in, you want to get rid of Y/n from Rasazy's whole entire life!?" Sarvente's eyes widened and she stood up.
"Yes, it will make her safe and besides that Y/n is a bad influence on Rasazy." I looked at Sarvente dead in the eyes.
"Honey! Rasazy has been happier than ever around Y/n! She's the only friend Rasazy has ever had since she started going into a public school!" Sarvente stared at me in disbelief.
"She doesn't need friends in her life to get by! She's fine on her own!" I started to raise my voice.

"That's like saying she doesn't need us or Selever! Y/n makes Rasazy happier then everyone's happiness combined! They're even dating eachother-" I turned my head slowly and saw Sarvente covering her mouth, regretting what she said.
"They're what!?" I raised my voice.
"" Sarvente mumbled.

No way in hell am I gonna let my daughter date some brat like Y/n.

This needs to be stopped,


(Woah bro, Ruv better be out of his mind if he think he can keep Rasazy away from Y/n. Have a gn ig (。>‿‿<。 )

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