safelight repair safelight replace

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(Is this the last chapter?? Idk I'll tell you at the end of this chapter. How you doing, I'm on my way to school. At least for me lol. Idk why I do these little talks before the story there just fun, you guys are fun to talk to. Anyways enough of the nonsense onto the story!)

Y/n POV:
I opened my eyes and instantly got a flash of the bright sun attacking me.
I groan in annoyance as I sense Y/c in front of my doorway.
"Get up! It's nice outside so I suggest you to get up and go outside with your girlfriend!" I look up and see Y/c crossing their arms.
"What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes.
"Like 9, more like 8:45." They sighed.
"Ok." I sat up and watched them walk out of my room.
I sighed and got my socks on and looked in the mirror.
I look like shit, can't wait till I look as hot as always I thought.
I did finger guns to myself and walked out into the kitchen.

I looked in the cabinet and took out cereal. I grabbed a bowl and poured the cereal into the bowl, some pieces flying out.
"I'll sweep that up later." I said in a monotone voice. I grabbed a spoon and sat down at the table with my cereal.

I ate it quickly so I could get ready for this nice day. I walked into my room and looked through my wardrobe.

(Here you can pick, sorry if you're a boy I can never find outfits for boys! If you don't like with outfits then as always your loss)

(Here you can pick, sorry if you're a boy I can never find outfits for boys! If you don't like with outfits then as always your loss)

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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

(Idk bro just pick it you don't want them then you pick yourself an outfit that isn't this then)

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

(Idk bro just pick it you don't want them then you pick yourself an outfit that isn't this then)

After I got dressed I grabbed my phone and headphones.
"I'm leaving! I'll be back soon!" I yelled out to Y/c.
"Ok! Have fun!" They yelled back.
I exited out the house and approached the garage.
I saw my skateboard resting on the garage door. I snatched it and headed off to the church.


When I arrived at the church, I saw cars in front of it.
Damn it, it's Sunday.
Maybe I can just enter and walk around for a bit.
Why not.
I got off my skateboard and walked inside not being noticed by anyone.
I started walking down the hallway and saw a sign that said '𝙻𝙸𝙱𝙰𝚁𝚈' in big letters.
If Ras was anywhere she'd be in here u less Sarv makes her go to church too.
I opened the big doors to the library and instantly got shocked on how many shelves and books there were. I stared in awe until I almost ran into a piano.
"My god." I mumbled.
"Y/n!" I looked up and saw Ras running towards me with wide arms.
"Ras!" I opened my arms too, Rasazy tackled me on accident, I'm guessing, and we hugged for a while. I laughed for a good 2-3 minutes until looking at her.
"My apologies." She gets flustered and gets up, dusting off her skirt.
I chuckled and stand up.
"You're fine, no need to apologize." I giggled.
She blushes even more trying to hide it.
"What did you need?" She asked hiding behind her braids.
"I was gonna see if you wanted to go to the park or some where, it's pretty nice outside so why not." I suggested, shrugging.
"I'd love too! Let me ask my mama." She grabbed my wrist and started walking down to where Sarv was.
We found her looking through her room trying to find something.
"Hey mama?" Rasazy asked Sarv.
Sarvente looked up startled.
"Yes, honey. Oh, and while you are here have you seen my bible?" Sarv asked.
Rasazy shook her head indicating a no.
"Can I hang out with Y/n, please mama." Rasazy still had a firm grip on my wrist.
"Uhm...sure. I don't see why not!" She winked and gave a us a bright smile.

Rasazy smiled big and thanked her mother.
She turned and looked at me.
"Let's go!" She smiled.


Me and Rasazy had lots of fun, we went to the coffee shop, the skate park, and I even taught her how to skateboard a little. Now me and Rasazy sit on a bench watching the sunset.
We admired it in all its beauty in complete silence.
"It's so beautiful." I accidentally said out loud.
"Just like you Y/n." Ras said back. I could tell she regretted what she said in that moment.
I giggled and held her hand.
She gave me a warm smile and held my hand back.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭

(Am I joking? Probably. But we'll find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z. Is there even gonna be another episode 🤨
I'm teasing ya, just find out.)

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