Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine
~Liam's POV~

Michael was throwing a party. I was confused when Michael suddenly called me at some extremely early time in the morning talking about a party. I was barely listening as I half way drifted back to sleep and realized I drooling onto my hand when Michael asked me if I was listening.

“Hmm? I mean … um, yeah. I was … I was listening...” I yawned. I glanced at my alarm clock and sighed. Michael babbled on for a little bit before I stopped him, “Michael, you do know it's like three in the morning and we have school, right? Can't this wait until then?”

“Oh yeah … um, sorry. I just got kind of excited about it.” He said quietly. And I could just imagine his facial expression changing from airy and light into a slightly embarrassed and upset look. His bottom lip was probably pouting.

I laughed slightly, “You don't have to apologize.” I said. There was a small pause in our conversation and while it made me want to fall back asleep, the silence was slightly deafening. “Michael?”


“Why are you even awake right now?” I asked. There was a brief moment of silence before I heard a little sigh.

“I just couldn't sleep.” Michael said quietly.

My eyes had closed again but I still felt my face scrunch up in concern. “Do you want me to come over?” I asked.

Michael probably shook his head before sighing out, “No. Sorry for calling you right now. Really. I'll just talk to you after school. I … um, yeah. Night.” My heart stopped slightly as I realized that he could have possibility just tried to say that he loved me. Or maybe it was just another sentence that he cut himself off from, but in my head it felt like an 'I love you'. And I made a note to kiss him until he couldn't breath when I saw him tomorrow.

“Goodnight Michael.”

When I got to third period I was ambushed by the “not” twins. And was forced to give them details of my relationship with Michael and how we were doing. And it was kind of nice talking to them, as I kind of had been ignoring them – not by choice, obviously – but I guess I really had been spending a lot of time with Michael. Or worried about Michael. Or going over to Michael's house and running into Zack. Which was kind of hilarious and painful. And seeing Zack made me want to see Dylan again. Just to see how he was doing. So I left that little bit out during my story, as it was extremely embarrassing and they would probably take it the wrong way.

“So he called you at three in the morning, to talk about a party?” Ethan said with an eyebrow raised.

“Yeah. He did.” I said nodding my head.

“A party he's having tonight?” Ethan asked confused.


Emily sighed, “I see some red flags going up!”

“And what would these flags be telling you?” I asked.

“He's hiding something.” She said, almost banging her hands on the desk. Which was stopped short by Ethan mumbling about how she needs to stop hitting objects. She glared at him but tried not to hit the desk. I gave a small laughed before resuming the conversation.

“Anyways, I do agree with Emily. It does seem like he's hiding something.” Ethan said.

I sighed, “Well, I mean, Zack said that he needed to tell me about a him but Michael hasn't really said much on the matter. And I don't want to pressure him to say anything about it if he doesn't want to talk about it, but I feel extremely out of the loop. Like everyone else knows about him and I don't.”

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