Chapter Twenty-WTF Kind of Day

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^Mad Jason is even cuter than normal Jason and that's really impressive he shouldn't be allowed to be this cute😩^

€ Zoe €

Ugh. Today's Monday. School.

I turn off my alarm, and roll out of bed. I walk over to my closet, and pick out a plain, navy blue tee, with black jeggings, my black leather jacket, and black, heeled ankle boots. I walk over to my vanity and mirror, and apply some concealer, foundation, black, winged eyeliner, dark blue eyeshadow, and a pink lipstick.

I grab my galaxy print Vans booksack, and walk out for breakfast. Adam's made omelettes, and he said Alesa felt sick this morning, so we hop in the car, and he drives me to school, since I'm still a little weary of being out alone.

On the way, my phone explodes. Allison, Alex, Anna, Ash, and Jo all text me within ten seconds.

Allie Wentz-DOOD u coming to school 2day?

Alex Russo😜-How r u?

AnnaAlways💕-Hiya! U coming today?😃

Ash Ketchum😂✌️-GURL u comin'?💕

Jo JAY THE JET PLANE-u coming 2day?

I don't reply, and get panicked responses. Soon enough, we pull up to my school.

"Here we go," I mumble, and step out. "Bye Dad," I say, and he waves, and drives off.

You guys were fine until I came along and ruined everything. I think it's better if I just leave you guys alone. I'll miss you guys💕👋😔 I text, and then I turn my phone off.

I walk in, and get stares. I ignore them, and walk into Homeroom. I sit as far away from my friends as possible;I don't want them to even know I'm here.

But soon enough, Allison looks around, and her eyes land on me. They soften and fill with tears, and she turns away, and wipes them before anyone notices.

But I did.

And I feel terrible.

I plug my earbuds in, and decide to blast "Situations" by Escape the Fate.

I sit and listen for a while, until the bell rings.

-----TS TO AFTER SCHOOL-----------

"GOD DAMMIT SHUT THE HELL UP." I shout, but the boys just laugh. I heave a huge sigh, and open my locker. I grab everything I need, and sprint out to Dad's car.

"Whoah, you okay?" he asks when I jump in.

"Yeah, I'm good." I lie, and he shrugs it off.

"So how was school?" he asks, seeming to be a little worried.

"Okay." I respond, but one word rings in my head over and over.


Bet you ten dollars they fucked, she's such a slut anyways...

She probably made it look like he kidnapped her, poor guy, must be hard crushing on a slut like her...



I snap out of it when we pull in the driveway, and run up to my room, abandoning my booksack in the car.

I sit at my desk and twirl around in my desk chair for a while, thinking.

Suddenly, a thought comes to my head.

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