Episode 6

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Yeah last chapter was too short to I'm going release this one as well. So four chapter plus two from the other RWBY story in one day. Let see how this pans out for the heroes.


Allen is currently in Emerald forest. He just ran into two Ursa Grimm.

Allen: "Alright you big teddy bears time put you down." Allen pulled out his bow and unclipped it, and transformed it into blade mode. One of the Ursa swipes at Allen. He easily evades the hit and slashes at the Grimm. The other one jumps at him; he jumps over it and slashes it back some. It roars in pain. He quickly turned around and cut the Grimm head off behind him. He then put his bow together and began to walk away. The Grimm that was left roared and charged at him. Allen once again jumped over him, and when the Ursa turned around, it saw Allen had his bowstring pulled back. "Night, night" Allen shoots the Grimm, and it tilts over and dies. "Alright with that, taken care of it, time to get moving." Allen begins walking, and as he is walking, he hears something. "I wonder what's going on over there?" Allen ducks down behind some brush. He looked over to see the Silver hair Bunny from yesterday Silva. "Oh this is gonna be good."

Silva got in a fighting stance. Her arms made a sound, and when looking closely, she got on gauntlets.

Silva: "Let see what you got" she tosses a bring it motion with her finger. The Ursa rushed her. She smirks. Her eyes glow a little, and she dodges his swing. She then brought her fist to the left leg of the Ursa. Then as it went down, she hit it upper shoulder, then hip, then stomach, and she gave it one good one to the head, knocking it clean off.

Allen: "The hell? She was aiming at certains points on it body, those wasn't wild hits, those were pinpoint hits? Hmmmm?"

Silva brought her fist to her side and took a deep breath. Silva's ears twitch, and she looks over to her left and sees a beawolve appear. She loads her right arm and fires at Grimm with an air bullet. Its head went upward, causing the Grimm to fall on its back. It Slowly got up. Silva got in a fighting stance.

Silva: "It seems watching your friend get his ass kicked didn't tell you your screw." Before Silva could respond, a red aura arrow hit the Grimm in the head, and it collapsed and began to dissolve. She turned to see who did it and she saw Allen.

Allen: He got up and did a two-finger salute. "Yo." Silva smiled.

Silva: "At least I finally ran into someone I know."

Allen: "You and me both." Allen came out from the brushes. "It seems we will partner for the next four years."

Silva: "*smile* yep."

Allen: "Well let's get moving." As they walked. "You know Silva back there when you were fighting that Grimm, I noticed you were aiming at certain points on the Ursa? Are you that good? Or is it something to do with your semblance?"

Silva: "You have a good eye Allen, well to answer your question it is my semblance, weak point. I see a radical whoever I'm facing and hit that part of the body that weak and after hitting the first one I can the next point. It's super good in a long drawn out fight."

Allen: "Hmmmm? Got it."

Silva: "What about you Allen? What is your semblance? Does it have something to do with those aura arrows you shot at the Grimm back there?"

Allen: "Nope! My semblance is-" They got cut off by hearing a noise. Allen pulled out his bow. Silva got her Gauntlet ready. "Looks like your answer has to wait."

We go to Emelie. She is walking with her head down.

Emelie: "Still can't believe I couldn't muster up the courage to go and talk to those girls." *Emelie shakes her head* "Come on Emelie, get it together, you're strong! All you got to do..." *she looks around* "is partnered up with someone. *sigh* Who am I kidding who would want to team up with me? As soon as they see my blindfold, they're just gonna leave me alone. I don't get why the tribe sent me here like it was going to help me?" *as Emelie is walking, she smells something* "Hmm?" *She looked over and saw fire!?* "FIRE!!". A couple Grimm then turn their head to her. "Ummm, good puppies," They growl at her. "Crap!" Emelie begins to run.

We cut to Henry. He just got done killing the Grimm's he was surrounded by. He was walking away.

Henry: "Alright with that taken care of, time to continue my search for Allen or Pyrrha." Henry took a deep breath, and his aura began to heal him. "There to make sure I'm gearing up to go if I run with any more Grimm. I wonder though? What is Allen aura? He has two color eyes? I'm also curious who would win in a fight between Allen or Pyrrha...my answer should be Pyrrha but why do I feel like that guy is hiding more than he's letting on." *as Henry is walking, he then hears some more Grimm and a voice?* "What was that?" Henry goes toward the noise. Henry ducks behind some brushes, and he saw the little girl that was with the rabbit Faunus yesterday. She was running away from the Grimm and trip. "Oh, crap she's in trouble!" As Henry was about to go out and help the closest Grimm to see it head suddenly got cut off. "WHAT THE!?" He then saw the girl quickly turn around and stick her tongue out.

Emelie: "Gotcha! ROOM!" a light blue bubble appears around them, and she does a little twirl. The next thing Henry sees is a couple of slashes come out from the ground and cut up all the Grimm. "YES!"

Henry: *his jaw was on the floor.* He couldn't believe what he saw. He then ran over to her. "HOLY CRAP WHAT WAS THAT!??!"

Emelie: "Meep!" Emelie curls up. "P-Please d-don't hate m-me I-I-it w-was m-my-"

Henry: "Hate you? THAT WAS AWESOME!!!"

Emelie: *She looked at him confused?* "You're not terrified of me?"

Henry: "Pssh, nah that was so cool I never seen something like that? What was that?"

Emelie: "Oh, well, it was my semblance called Room, it allows me to make a sphere type bubble around me and I can basically do whatever I want in it."

Henry: *his face was just in shock* "OK THAT BROKEN!!! *ahem* sorry about that I guess since you're the first person I ran into that made us partners" He rubbed the back of his head.

Emelie: "Yep, I hope not to be too much of a burden for you." *smile* *radiating a like shining aura behind her*

Henry: "She is so pure!!!"

End of Chapter.


And that will do it for this chapter. It seem the pairing has been pair up. As you can see what Allen team is going look like. We found a few things about these members.

What your thoughts on them so far? What is Allen semblance? Since it seem that the thing we don't know yet? What Henry semblance? Just how OP can Emelie really be? How will each pair fair with each other?

Until next time later and thanks for reading.

RWBY is own by Rooster Teeth.

OC belongs to me.

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