Episode 15

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This is going be a little different...I'll explain at the end. But I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Allen was currently in the middle of the training room with just a tank top on. He was sweating a bit, and he was holding his bow. A few targets are swinging around the arena. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them and jumped and spun and pulled the string on the bow, firing arrows at the target he hit. A couple sandbags come swinging at him; he spins a bit in mid-air while turning his bow into twin blades and slashing at the sandbags he soon flips and lands perfectly on his feet. He let out a breath of relief, and their sandbag swung towards him from behind. Right before it hit him, he back punched it, causing it to burst a bit.

Allen: 'Good I haven't lost touch since I got here.' Allen goes over to the bench and grabs his towel, and begins to wipe off his sweats. He then hears footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw it was Ruby.

Ruby: "It seems you're getting some training done for the up and coming festival?"

Allen: *smile* "You know it, I need to make sure I am in top shape and to make sure I get my team in top shape. Need to make sure my team wins it all."

Ruby: "Oh, are you forgetting mister that you will have to be me and my team." *She puffs out her chest*

Allen: *chuckled* "Don't worry, I'm confident in my team that we will win."

Both of them laugh. It soon got quiet. Both of them had a blush on their face and were looking around. She broke the silence.

Ruby: "You should really put a shirt on." *Ruby was looking away, and her face was getting darker.*

Allen: "Awww, Rosey, are you enjoying the show?"

Ruby: "What!?! Y-Y-YES! I MEAN N-NO!! Dang it Allen!!!" *Ruby covers her face with her hood.

Allen: *laughed* "Ok, ok sorry it's fun messing with you. Well, what brings you here anyway? Wanted to get some training in?"

Ruby: "Oh, that right wants to come to Vale with my team and me. Weiss wants to go and spy on the competitions."

Allen: 'Hmmm, not only will I get to see some of the fighters that will be in the tournament. I can spend time with Ruby. I see this as a win-win for me. Sure, I don't see why not."

Ruby: "Alright, cool we meet up in the courtyard, see you around Allen."

Allen: "See you around Rosey." *Allen began to leave and wave bye, not knowing Ruby was blushing.

Allen got to his dorm room with his team inside and saw his team doing different things. Henry was inspecting his weapon, Emelie was watching cute dog videos, Silva was reading a book. When Allen walked into the room, he hummed a happy tone that didn't go unnoticed by his team.

Henry: "So, how did your talk go with your crush?"

Allen: "I have no idea what you're talking about. I was in the training room well of course training." He said with a smile. He was looking for his stuff for a shower.

Emelie: *giggle* "Oh, don't act like you don't know we know how you act when you and Ruby have a very good loving moment together. We know you've been trying to get close with the leader of Team RWBY."

Allen: *blush* "Y'all crazy. I'll be in the shower if y'all need me."

As Allen went into the shower. Henry and Emelie looked at each other and chuckled. They both then look at Silva, who hasn't said anything and was trying super hard to be absorbed in her book, but both of them could tell something was bothering her.

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