End of the Lightning Thief Quest

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Third Person POV

After learning that Ares had stolen the Bolt and returning the Helm of Darkness back to Hades, Percy returned the Master Bolt back to Zeus while the other five waited for him.

Jada retuned the Helm of Darkness to Hades while everyone else went back. Since her soul had been touched by Thanatos as a baby, she could enter and leave the underworld whenever she wanted.

Flash back

"Thank you for retuning it niece." Hades said as he held his Helm in his hands.

"It was the right thing." Jada shrugged. "And you can also tell the Furies to stop following me."

"You can stop now girls." Hades said. "There is a reason she is my favorite niece."

"I'm your only niece you acknowledge." Jada muttered.

"You should go soon before Hecate comes thinking I'm holding you hostage." Hades warned. Hecate was viciously protective of her children and legacies despite her usual cold demeanor.

Jada nodded and vanished in a flash of flames.

Flash back over

Asher, Jada, Luna, Annabeth, Percy, and Grover all had golden laurels when the campers congratulated them for coming back.

At the burning of the shrouds there was six shrouds to burn.

Annabeth's was a beautiful grey silk with embroidered owls, and Lyra overheard Percy saying it was a shame that Annabeth had to burn it.

Grover was brown with leaves, trees, and flowers on it. Made by the Demeter Cabin.

Luna's was a dark blue and a light sky blue with silver moons and golden suns embroidered all over it. It was made by the Apollo Cabin since her grandfather was Apollo.

Asher's was dark blue with caduceus's, a wand, and black stars(to represent his grandmother Nyx). His half siblings had made it.

Jada's was rippling dark fire red, with soft sunsets orange and yellow woven in. There were other shades of red, yellow, and orange to give the appearance of actual fire, with a moon, dove, bushel of grapes, owl, and silver torch embroidered on the side.

Percy's had been created by Ares cabin, who had taken an old bedsheet and painted smiley faces with X'ed out eyes around the border, and the word Loser painted across the center.

Percy looked like he enjoyed burning it.

Dionysus' welcome-home speech was lacking.

"Yes, yes, so the little brat didn't get himself killed and now he'll have an even bigger head. Well, huzzah for that. In other announcements, there will be no canoe races this Saturday..."

The legacy of wine and madness just snorted at her immortal grandfather words.

The next week, Jada couldn't help be paranoid that the prophecy was yet to be fulfilled. 

Seeing her anxiety, Asher & Luna dragged her to visit the French version Diagon Alley on the last day of summer before they headed back to Beaxbatons Academy.

Asher and Luna stayed with their parents while Jada went back to camp once last time to say goodbye to Percy, Annabeth, and Grover.

Once she got back however, the legacy of wisdom was ready to preform murder when she learned that someone poisoned Percy.

Scene Change

"How was Britain?" Dionysus asked the child of fire when Jada got back to camp.

"Usual. Camp?" Jada drawled back.

"The Sea Brat got stung by a pit scorpion an hour ago. Chiron and Annabeth are in with him now." Dionysus informed her.

"You should have lead with that!" Jada yelled and teleported with a flash of flames to the infirmary.

Percy was in one of the infirmary beds. Chiron was in wheelchair form at the foot of the bed. Argus was standing guard in the corner.

Annabeth was sitting next to the bed, holding a glass of nectar that was connected to Percy's mouth by straw.

If they don't get together in the next five years I'm going to pay the Aphrodite Cabin to get them together. the legacy of love swore.

"Jada!" Annabeth exclaimed. "Your back!"

"Annabeth," Jada greeted. "Chiron, Argus."

"How was your trip?" Chiron asked.

"Goos," Jada said. "But there are some more important things like my cousin to bit by a Pit scorpion! How is he? What happened? Grandfather Dionysus just said he was stung by a pit scorpion."

Annabeth mouthed 'Grandfather Dionysus' to herself. She could never get over the fact that Jada was Dionysus's adopted granddaughter.

"We don't know yet," Chiron replied.

A low groan from Percy caused them to look his direction. He had blinked his eyes open and was looking up at Annabeth.

"Here we are again," he said.

"You idiot," Annabeth said. "You were green and turning gray when we found you. If it weren't for Chiron's healing-"

"Now, now," Chiron said, "Percy's constitution deserves some of the credit. How are you feeling, Percy?"

"Like my insides have been frozen, then microwaved," Percy replied.

"Apt, considering that was pit scorpion venom," Chiron replied.

Percy chose that moment to notice Jada was there.

"You're back!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah. What happened to you Percy?"

The demigod took a deep breath.

"I was still trying to decide whether I was going home or not," Percy said, taking a sip of nectar. "I'd gone down to the sword arena and I met Luke there. He'd been practicing with a new sword. He invited me to go out to the woods with him and drink some cans of Coke. We went out to the spot by the river where I got ambushed in the Capture-the-Flag game. He was...angry." Percy paused to take a breath.

"He asked if I missed being on a quest, and I said I did. When I asked if he felt the same, he said he trained and he trained, and never got to be a normal teenager and had one quest and then was told that it was over, have a nice life. He said he wasn't going to end up like the dusty trophies in the Big House attic. He said he was leaving, and that he'd brought me out there to say goodbye. He snapped his fingers and the scorpion crawled out of a whole in the ground at my feet." Percy took another breath.

"Luke was the traitor. He said that the gods were useless, that Western civilization was a disease. He serves Kronos. Kronos spoke to Luke in his dreams and gave him instructions. Luke stole the master bolt and the helm. Ares caught him in New Jersey, but Kronos helped Luke convince Ares to hold onto them in order to start a war instead. Luke summoned the hellhound in the forest to make Chiron think Camp wasn't safe for me. I tried to talk him out of it, but he said goodbye, slashed his sword, and disappeared in a ripple of darkness. Then the scorpion lunged and I cut it in half. But I wasn't fast enough. It stung me. I tried to get back to camp, but I passed out right when the nymphs found me." the son of the sea said, wrapping up his story.

The room was quiet for a long time before Jada exploded, her hair turning into fire. "If you excuse me, I have to go vent."

Annabeth jumped away to not get burned.

"Don't burn the camp down." Chiron warned her before Jada left. She did pause in the doorway. "Rest, Percy. For the mental state of Chiron and your mother at least."

That is today's chapter, I hope that you have enjoyed it.

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