Chapter 2: 🌸Kanao Tsuyuri🌸

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Author: Btw, after the death of his family, Tanjiro is more gloomy now. (sad) Anyways...

It took them two days and one night to get to the butterfly mansion and since they left at night, they got there in the afternoon. When Tanjiro saw the size of the building, he was shocked beyond words. 

Tanjiro: The courtyard is just too big and who the hell needs this much space? And now we have to circle around the building and look for the main entrance!

Urokodaki: "Tanjiro, here." *shouting from the main entrance*

Tanjiro: Good, that saves me a lot of time.

Tanjiro and Urokodaki enter the mansion's courtyard and knocks on the front door of the building. Then, a girl with blue eyes and and a nurse's attire opened the door. Tanjiro, with the utmost respect, greeted her... but the girl just just stood there with a confused face.

The girl: "Kanae, shinobu! We have visitors! And one of them is wearing a tengu👺mask!"

Two girls who were supposedly Kanae and Shinobu walked to the front door of the mansion.

Kanae: "Oh! Why... it's good to see you again, Urokodaki."

Urokodaki: "Like why's. Tanjiro, this person is the insect hashira."

Shinobu: "Ara-ara, who might this young one be."

Tanjiro: "Konitchiwa. My name is Tanjiro Kamado. I am Urokodaki-sensei's tugoku. Thanks for having us. *bowing*

Shinobu: This boy is very kind and polite but he has a gloomy appearance and his voice sounds depressing. Kinda reminds me of Tomioka-San.

Kanae: "Well anyways, welcome."

Tanjiro: Their wearing butterfly designed clothes, is it for a reason?

When Tanjiro entered the gigantic building, he saw several rooms filled with beds and injured demon slayers. It was at this time that Tanjiro realized that the building was not only a house, but also a hospital for injured or poisoned demon slayers. The two women then sat them down for lunch at the house dinning table. 

Kanae: "Kanao! Come in here we're having lunch with guests!"

A few seconds later, a young girl about Tanjiro's age enters the room. She had a ponytail on the right side of her head which was tied by a butterfly like hair thingy(don't know how to say it). She also had an emotionless face.

Kanae: "Kanao, please introduce yourself to our guests." 

Kanao: "Hello, I am Tsuyuri Kanao, I am Kanae and shinobu's sister, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Tanjiro: "Hi, my name is Tanjiro Kamado, and my sensei here is Urokodaki."

The girl sat next to Tanjiro and they just stared blankly at a random direction which spooked the others. Then the same blue eyed girl came into the room with piping hot food and place it on the table along with bowls and utensils. 

Kanae: "Thank you, Aoi."

Tanjiro: So her name is Aoi huh?

Everyone: "Itadakimasu."

Well... everyone except Kanao said their greetings which pissed Tanjiro off a bit.

Tanjiro: "Hey Kanao, you're suppose to say your greetings before eating, you're showing respect that way."

Kanao just looked at him without saying anything and continued to eat. 

Kanae: This boy has manners and respect, most kids these days don't care about respect but this kid was raised quite well. "Kanao, please say your greetings."

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