Chapter 27: 🔥🌆Yagiso City🌆🔥

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Kaitsuki was stunned, but he wasn't scared at all and became more and more curios instead. The elder woman was looking down tearing up a bit. Yet, even though she was in grief, she brought herself to tell the rest of the story.

Granny: "My daughter fell in love with a man at an early age. As soon as they were at the acceptable age, they got married and had Shizuoka and Ryuyo. She retired the first time when she was pregnant. That was another reason why she never rose to the rank of a hashira and left it a completely forgotten breathing technique. They lived happily for many years. My daughter taught Shizuoka the forms of ice breathing when she was 6, but she never trained her seriously."

Kaitsuki: "And that's when the change happened?"

Granny: "Unfortunately, yes. Their father was fired from his job after reportedly stealing from the company he worked for. Next thing you know, he often got drunk at night, and that's when he started physically abusing his kids. He also gambled a lot, which meant that he lost a lot, which also meant that he loaned a huge sum of money. He had single-handedly led his family to becoming incredibly poor and in debt by a huge sum of money."

Kaitsuki: "So... that scar...

Granny: "Yes. That scar on Ryuyo's neck was caused by his own father when he took a broken glass bottle and scratched his neck. He hit them every night, and the worst part, no one stopped him, not even his wife. Shizuoka told me that she loved him too much to hurt him. But there were times when she tried to stop him, but she always ended up getting hit too since she couldn't retaliate. It got worse by the day until... he killed her."

Kaistuki: "I see. So what happened to him?"

Granny: "Shizuoka was around 8 years old when it happened. Of course, she got mad and actually tried to kill him. She failed after her father got hold of her. He tied their hands and locked both Ryuyo and Shizuoka up in their room. Then he went out to a pub and got drunk. But Shizuoka and Ryuyo somehow got out after several minutes but only to be met by their father who had been turned into a demon."

Kaistuki: "Demon? So... Muzan must've been there!"

Granny: "He might've, but there was no one to report about it, similar to Tanjiro's case."

Kaitsuki: "Their both alive now, so they managed to escape?"

Granny: "Not escape. Now where was I? Oh yeah. So he attacked his son and daughter, but the most damage he could do was scratch Ryuyo's neck again. Yes, Ryuyo was scratched twice at the same place, and by the same person. Shizuoka managed to get her mother's katana, and beheaded him with it."

Kaitsuki: "She killed him?"

Granny: "Yep. They didn't live far so they managed to run here that night. I took them in. Then after about a month, Shizuoka asked me to train her seriously to become a slayer. I never knew her reason for slaying, and she never really despised demons. Really, I should've never trusted him! I knew he was incompetent to raise a family!"

The elder woman was getting angrier with each thought of her son in law. She was fuming mad. Her face turned red, the tea cup she was holding was shaking in her hands and she was frowning so hard her wrinkles could be seen clearly. Kaistuki quickly acted and calmed her down.

Granny: "Hoo... I'm sorry for my sudden outburst young one. Well, that's the end of my story. You should go get some sleep for tomorrow since you'll be quite busy."

Kaistuki: "I can't sleep with those two pigs. I have no idea how Shizuoka or Ryuyo haven't been awoken yet." *sigh* "I feel like sleeping outside, but it's night and there's demons."

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